We’re all a little afraid of something. Sometimes, we’re a lot afraid! What I hear most women say they’re afraid of is failing. The truth is you’re not really afraid of failure itself. Because really, you know you’ll survive that. You always have, right?
You’re afraid of what others will think if you fail.
When you operate from that place, you are running your business and life emotionally. I got this message loud and clear from my coach and mentor this week, as he put us all to a challenge some of us felt very uncomfortable with: getting on the phone and calling our people.
If we’re afraid of what people will think, we’ll sit on the sidelines, waiting for a miracle – waiting for them to call us! (And the truth is—it turns out that most people are thrilled when I call them.)
When we wait, we are forgetting that we are offering to help change people’s lives! That is what your good work does! Sometimes the call is just a “Hello, how are things going for you? How can I help?” Other times, it makes sense to offer something specific to help them.
Here’s the most amazing thing that happens: the calls seem to come at the right time. I hear women say over and over again: “I can’t believe you called at this moment.” Sometimes they cry, sometimes they’re excited, sometimes they’re confused (yes, and sometimes they feel like it’s a bit of a bother, but that’s the minority, and it’s typically either fear rearing its head, or simple logistics.)
When is an ideal time to change your life? NOW!
I’m not saying miracles don’t occur – they do every day – but if you sit idly by, they’re generally not coming TO you because you haven’t put the universe on notice that this is what you want. You haven’t started moving the energy and your actions in the direction of your goal. You can wish all you want, but you have to act “as if” your success is guaranteed. Otherwise, your fear gets the best of you.
Have faith and the fortitude to do what needs doing, no matter how you feel. I know all of you who are super intuitive are saying things like, “I trust my intuition to guide me. “ So do I most of the time. And that’s great. But you have to actually check in and make sure it is your intuition that is communicating with you. Be sure that it’s not your subconscious being incredibly “logical” in telling you to stop, to listen to your fears. Why would you listen to that message? Because, weirdly, it feels safer. If you’re not having the success you want in your life, my guess is that it’s not your intuition talking, it’s your fear and false belief systems that are monopolizing the airwaves.
When you’re afraid to act, your fear grows and grows until your dreams begin to wither. The fear becomes the thing that guides you – and the emotions that come along with that become your business or life plan. That is reactive living, not proactive living.
So what do you do? You make a decision about what you want – and then you go out and act. You stop waiting. You stop letting the fear win.
Remember, if you have the desire, you have the ability to achieve that desire. As long as you keep taking steps, the “how” will reveal itself.
It’s your choice. Every day, in every moment. Which do you choose? Fear or success?