
Why Being Uncomfortable is a GOOD Thing!

fish-leap-370x229Who wants to make a quantum leap in their life? “I do. I do!!” and I want to keep making quantum leaps! It’s not always easy (see last week’s blog post) and it can get mighty uncomfortable. But, have you ever heard the saying, “If your dream doesn’t make you uncomfortable, you’re not dreaming big enough?”

The truth is, if you let yourself really feel your way into your dream –all the way in– it really should make you a bit uneasy. The goal you set should be worthy of you and all of your gifts. So, when you feel uncomfortable, welcome the discomfort as a sign that you’re stepping into who you were meant to be.

Price Pritchett says, “The only risks that aren’t a little scary are the ones you’ve outgrown.” What that means is that what is scary to you now will become comfortable in time. That is part of the growth process, and that’s also good news. You really can adapt and grow past that uncomfortable part. For awhile. Then it’s time to grow again. Then that gets uncomfortable. And so it goes.

Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is the secret sauce. So how do you do that?

Here’s my list of the “top ten ways to make a quantum leap!”

  1. Develop some strong faith. Leaping can be scary, so you need a way to develop faith. Tap into your own divinity and know that if you’re capable of imagining it, you’re capable of achieving it!
  2. Know that it’s okay to be scared. See if you can transform that fear energy into excited energy. Excitement and enthusiasm for your goal keeps you going. Fear stops you.
  3. Remember that fear is only a thought. Fears come from old (false) ingrained thinking patterns that tell you that you can’t, you’re not good enough, not worthy, and all those other excuses for stopping.  Look at the fear honestly and for what it is, then tell it to take a hike. It will keep popping back up, especially in the beginning of a leap, but move forward despite it. That is how you develop the muscle of confidence that you can.
  4. Do what you’re afraid of. It will make you stronger. It will catapult you into that quantum leap. Courage is not the absence of fear, but acting despite it.*
  5. Allow failure. No one likes to fail, but failure is simply a part of the process. that gets you one step closer to achieving. It’s just as important to know what doesn’t work as what does. No one achieves great things without failing a whole bunch of times. Develop a thicker skin by believing in your dream.
  6. Let them criticize you. When you start changing and leaping, those around you might start freaking out a little bit. People don’t like change and they tend to rebel against it because they’re scared when you change. Remember, “What they say is about them. What you hear is about you.”
  7. Readjust your ideas about yourself. To break through roadblocks, you have to believe you can have a breakthrough. Stop saying why you can’t, why you’re scared and why it’s not working. In other words, lose the excuses – which leads me to:
  8. Honestly assess when you’re making excuses. Essentially, they’re all excuses. Not enough time, money, the kids, your partner, your job, your age, your weight. You know they’re just excuses for not moving forward because you’re scared.
  9. Stop judging. Everyone. Including yourself. (Assessment is different!) Embody the “isn’t that interesting” approach to life and observe without judging. When you judge others, it means you’re judging yourself. Judging fuels excuses and kills your faith.
  10. Enjoy the ride. We’re here to live, try, make mistakes, move on, grow, leap. Don’t let the fears, judgments, uneasy feelings, anxieties or criticism stop you from dreaming and being in the moment. Accepting what is and working with that allows you to truly enjoy life and the leap.

So, what’s it going to be?

Let’s get uncomfortable.  I’m right there with you! 

* This quote has been attributed to so many people in different variations, from Mark Twain to Ambrose Redmoon.


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