Category Archives: self help

9 Ways to De-clutter Your Mind – Rethink “Working Hard.”

needthisWe’ve become slaves to time and feel obliged to account for every moment. Work, appointments, deadlines, accomplishments, goals—they are all timestamped. All of these things are important, of course, but the end result is that we have forgotten how to just BE.

I have always worked really hard. Our culture reinforces that. “Hard work pays off” and “She’s such a hard worker!” are the catch-phrases of my youth. You think you’re going to get the gold star for that hard work—but do you? And at what cost do we reach for that ever elusive star? For example, why is making money without hard work a bad thing? What if you discovered the secret sauce to achieve this? Why is that somehow inferior to the American ethos that psychologically rewards those who get too little sleep and work 70 hour weeks? Why is it “cooler” to respond to the question “How are you?” with “I’m SO busy” than with “I’m feeling really great and healthy!”

Is working really hard all the time what we’re here for? I don’t think so. It goes back to Erma Bombeck’s timeless piece about using the good china every day because life is short. Are we working ourselves into the ground Monday through Friday to enjoy life only on the weekends (and then squeeze in a “few hours” of work)? Are we grinding ourselves into ill-health so we can have fun in retirement? Why do we take some sort of perverse pride in overworking and not being able to “shut down?”

Don’t let that be you! Commit to grabbing for the real-life gold stars today. Time outside, fun with your family, a great night’s sleep, an afternoon at the movies… whatever it might be.

While you’re at it, you can learn how to de-clutter your mind and take care of your body so you can give yourself (not earn) some much-needed rest. Here are some tips.

  1. Turn off the screens at least two hours before bed. That means computers, phones, tablets, TVs. And lordy lord— don’t use them in bed! The blue light from these devices tells your brain not to produce melatonin, the sleep-inducer.
  2. De-clutter your environment. Energetically, mess creates too much visual stimulation and your brain becomes just as cluttered.
  3. Turn off notifications. So-called “push notifications” keep you in multi-task mode. Our brain gets so scattered because we allow it to be constantly distracted with excessive stimuli. If I’m writing, and an email notification moves across my screen, I might notice a patient needing to reschedule an appointment. I am pulled to respond. Even if I don’t, my focus has still been pulled from what I’m doing. The brain simply takes longer to refocus and it takes more time to get less done and the distractions stress you out.
  4. Set aside blocks of time for certain tasks. For example, I’m reworking my schedule as follows (thanks to help from my sisters in my Savor circle):
    1. Teri Time. In the mornings, I do what I want. I can read, walk around my garden, exercise, or just stare at the sky.
    2. Work hours arranged according to my schedule, not at the convenience of everyone else. A recent epiphany helped me understand that as a professional I need to maximize my efficiency. Think about it. Does a doctor squeeze clinic patients in on a surgery day to convenience them? I do the best I can to work with my patients’ time-needs but I protect my time first. I have to, or I’ll run myself ragged… and then what good would I be to anyone?
    3. Blocks of time scheduled for: patient emails, writing herbal formulas, ordering supplies and supplements, research, accounting, and writing. I don’t jump from research to emails, or writing to accounting. When my email block is over, I will not see patient emails again until that time the next time I have blocked out for it, and that is okay. I’m getting a lot more done! I also have to schedule time for social media—to protect myself from the distractions there!
    4. Self-care. Whether it’s acupuncture, massage, walks, exercise, spending time with friends. If it’s not in the schedule, it’s too easy to let it slide. I treat self-care like an appointment with myself!
  5. Dictate your schedule, don’t let it dictate you. (See above points) Sit down early in the week and write out your upcoming schedule, including bedtimes! Bake in some wiggle room—time for missteps along the way so you aren’t so tightly scheduled that your head is reeling (and you’re not squeezing things in!).
  6. Relax your brain. Key to being not only productive, but calm. If you haven’t read it yet, look over to the right on this page and get yourself a free copy of my book “Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There” to read more about why this is crucial. (See, we teach what we need to learn!)
  7. Write it down. When you write everything down you will feel less stress. Get it out of your head and into a calendar, planner, or mental clutter journal. If you’re someone who gets in bed and can’t fall asleep because you have too much to think about, process, decide on, or you wake in the middle of the night with churning thoughts, then you are someone who needs these brain dumps!

Implement just one or two of these suggestions and see how you feel. Remember, you are in charge of your choices, your life, and how much clutter you allow in. It’s not an easy job to keep the clutter at bay—especially for people who are sensitive, empathic, smart, and curious—but you need to protect yourself in order to thrive.

My body is hurting – A true confession.

sometimesFor those of you who don’t know, I was “diagnosed” with what’s considered “chronic Lyme” and two autoimmune diseases several years ago. I am putting “diagnosed” in quotation marks because I do not own that diagnosis, nor do I necessarily believe what I’ve been told—that they are not connected. I think they may be, and that the Lyme is either a trigger for the autoimmune, or at least exacerbates it.

I’ve already healed my body in many ways, through dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as acupuncture, herbs, and supplements. I take no prescription or OTC medication whereas before, I was living on anti-inflammatory medications and was offered prednisone and other pain killers by doctors. I used to walk like an 80 year woman, and now I’m taking soul cycle classes. When I was at my peak in the last few years, I felt phenomenal.

However, over the course of the last few months, the pain has begun to creep back into my body and I’m not happy about it.

I want to share my story with you for two reasons. One, to demonstrate no matter how much you know about nutrition, health, and illness, you can still make bad decisions, albeit subconsciously. Two, everyone is human and we have to love ourselves out of a situation we want to change. Even though our decisions may be objectively a little less than smart, I’m not mad at myself and I’m not hating on myself (although, maybe a little bit on my body!).

Here’s what’s going on:

Even I can lose sight of the big picture when my nose is to the grindstone. Result?

Recently my body has felt as if it’s deteriorating – at first subtly and then more profoundly.

I am pretty much a machine. That means I plow through things knowing I can usually handle a lot. I work hard and play hard. Don’t get me wrong, I do take time for myself. But, when pain begins to regularly wake me up in the middle of the night or when I do some simple gardening and hurt for a few days like I just ran a marathon, that’s a major red flag. A little self-care here and there helps. I had myself convinced I was doing enough, but guess what? I was kidding myself.

So, I sat down and had little talk with myself. I pondered some important questions:

What is causing the pain?

Why is it happening now?

What’s different now compared to when I was feeling great?

Where am I letting myself off the hook?

After ridding myself of convenient distractions and excuses, I realized I’d been letting my diet slip. Sometimes pretty seriously. I wasn’t sleeping enough… and I wasn’t taking enough down time.

I had done a pretty serious elimination diet for a long time – and felt great. But I also began to miss many foods – normal, right? I also believe that reintroducing foods when possible is good for your body.

I began introducing some grains, and that seemed okay. I was careful to avoid gluten from the offensive sources (gluten, btw, is in most grains, not just wheat, rye, and barley). I began having eggs once a week (even though I knew protein in eggs can mimic the protein in gluten). Seemed fine. Then I started with dairy. First, a little kefir – fermented, thus very little lactose. Did fine. Then I added goat cheese. Fine again. I thought, “Woohoo, I’m golden! I fixed that leaky gut!” But then, here’s what happened.

I returned to my cup of coffee every morning. I started adding organic cream to the coffee. Then, I added more cheese. My husband loves to cook and he was so happy that I’d reintroduced foods we both loved and loved to share, so he brought out the cheeseboard again for appetizers. Then there was the wine with the cheeseboard on Fridays after work – a deadly combination cuz guess what? Like you, I have a glass of wine, and suddenly I can rationalize eating more cheese than I should. Now, they were organic, raw milk cheeses – but come on – too much of a good thing is still too much!

I started to get hot flashes again, which I thought was causing part of the problem. My loss of sleep due to hot flashes and pain seemed easier to rationalize. I chalked it up to my being of menopausal age, and pretended my diet had nothing to do with it (ah, the stories we tell ourselves, eh?). I finally found a Chinese herbal formula that worked like a charm and after months of not sleeping due to said raging hot flashes, I thought I was good again.

Then some elbow pain got pretty excruciating (having no apparent cause and on both lateral and medial tendons). Then the knee on day, the wrist the next. Then my thumb. Then my hip.

Then, a very annoying eye tick came back and didn’t go away.

Damn. It’s happening again. I’m having a Lyme flare.

But what’s causing it? I’m pretty sure you realized by now that it had a lot to do with my diet. If I’m hosting a bacteria and am making my environment hospitable to its growth, then guess what happens? It multiplies. (There are MANY expletives that want to come onto the page at this moment!)

What happened was that I started thinkig my body was betraying me. I asked myself all kinds of whiney questions (for 5 minutes):

Why me?
Why again?
Why can’t I beat this? – I mean, I do this for a living, for God’s sake!
Why is my strong body broken?

Here’s the truth. I need to love myself out of this. Attacking myself is only going to make it worse. If I do, I’ll continue eating in ways that aren’t good for me. I’ll continue working too much with not enough down time. I won’t sit in meditation daily. I’ll ignore the symptoms I keep telling my patients to stop ignoring. and yes, I know… we teach what we need to learn.

There’s no magic pill (dammit.)
There’s no one to blame (dammit.)

Here’s a reality check:

I am responsible for where I am. And I’m not content to feel “better than where I started.” I want to go back to feeling really fantastic!

So, I have a choice again, don’t I?

Yes, I do. And I’m holding myself responsible by plastering it all over the internet! (Eeek!)

I will return to my elimination diet (I already have.) – reminding myself how miraculous that was for me.
When I reintroduce, I will do it very very carefully.
I will love my body back to health.
I will allow myself the process of understanding what’s going on through daily journal writing.
I will practice what I preach.
I will fall… and pick myself back up.
I will pay attention.
I will seek help when I need it, whether from health-care providers or emotional and physical support.

So, there you have it. No one is super human. The internet is full of people who pretend to have it all figured out. Who show only the good, the perfect, and the holier than thou. I don’t believe in that. I believe in sharing reality.

I have a good attitude, I know what to do, and I’ll find help where I need it.

This morning my soul cycle teacher asked us:

Where are you letting yourself off the hook?
Where are you settling for mediocrity?
Where can you be more authentically you?

Those sound like the questions I asked myself now that my body is hurting, and questions I ask my patients every day. So here we go, let’s try it:

Where are you letting yourself off the hook?

Would love your feedback!

Acupressure and Other Tips for Fear and Anxiety

We are all connected. A tree does not stand alone. It lives in an inter-dependent community that includes its own roots, the fungus and lichen that live on and near it, the decomposing litter on the forest floor that feeds it.

We live in a web too. We rarely tune into it, but we are connected to each other and everything around us. That means the feelings of one can affect the wellbeing of others. (I will spare you the quantum physics explanation.)

The fear and anxiety circulating these days is understandable, but toxic. What can you do about it? Plenty.

Here are some tips for quelling the fear and embracing your accountability to the planet — because we live in an interdependent world.

Anxiety disorders form the majority of diagnosed mental illnesses. Rather than focusing on the symptoms of the various diagnoses, I want to focus on helping you find balance and the tools to relieve the anxiety or fear you might be experiencing.

Worrying about outcomes, being scared of what might happen—these are normal experiences now and then. Given the state of the world, we are seeing more of it. Wherever it comes from, fear produces chemicals in our bodies that are designed to help us deal with serious threat—to fight or flee. The problem is, we produce the same chemicals even when the threat is imagined, caused by compulsive thinking, or generalized anxiety.

The more we stress out, the more our bodies become habituated to those chemicals. What that means is that it becomes easier and easier for our thoughts to trigger a bodily reaction suitable to a saber-tooth tiger attack. Now the body is flooded with stress chemicals but we have no tiger to fight or run from.

We get so used to being flooded with the chemicals (being anxious) that when they leave, we may feel strange, which triggers the scary thoughts, the chemicals, and the process starts over.

Acupuncture has recognized anxiety for centuries and has a millennia of treatment options for alleviating it. While a diagnosis by a qualified acupuncturist is always ideal, here are some steps and a few acupressure points (there are many more) you can engage to help you bring down the fear and over-thinking. Couple the acupressure with a simple breathing technique, and you will start to retrain your brain, hormones, and mind to respond differently.

Step 1: Acknowledge your fears or anxiety. Pushing them down only makes them bigger.

Step 2: Remember how easily we are affected by others’ fears and vice versa.

Step 3: Talk to yourself: how likely is it that what you are worrying about will come true? Most likely, it is pretty unlikely. (In other words, put it in perspective to calm your over-active mind.)

Step 4: Breathing technique:

Close your eyes and settle comfortably.
Take a few deep breaths and inwardly repeat to yourself: “I am safe in this moment” with each out breath.
Feel your breathing quiet and slow.
Feel your body begin to relax. (This whole process may only take one or two minutes).
Pay attention to the length of your inhalation. Most people inhale (when focusing) to the count of 3 or 4.
Lengthen your exhalation so that it is twice as long as your inhalation, so you exhale to a count of 6, 7 or 8. Doing this just a few times will physiologically slow your heart rate and decrease the hormone release that causes anxiety or stress.
Do that for a few minutes.

Step 5: From the following table, locate several acupuncture points that you feel pertain to your situation and feelings.

Step 6: Press or massage the acupuncture point until you feel a strong sensation. Send your focus into that point, knowing it will begin to strengthen your resolve and the meridian itself. Intend that you will find more balance, simply by doing this.

Step 7: When you feel your fear and anxiety subside more, you may stop.

This whole process can be done as many times as needed. You might find different points more effective at different times. Play around and give yourself the gift of 5-10 minutes of what is essentially retraining your brain and therefore body, to respond differently. Once you know your triggers, and what points work for you, you can cut that time in half and still have results.

Finally, the next time you feel fearful or anxious remind yourself that you are safe in this moment. Don’t allow the old fear pattern in your brain to rewire again — you are creating a different wiring to create a different habit.


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Embrace Your Optimal Health


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