Category Archives: health coaching

Coronavirus isolation: get the most from your food supply

As difficult as this period of isolation during the Coronavirus pandemic is, in many ways, I feel like I was born for this. (I know this sounds odd, but hear me out.)  This has pushed every one of my psychological buttons: abandonment, isolation, fear of not having enough, to name a few. Here’s partly why.

Pushing psychological buttons

I grew up in the late 60’s and 70’s, when many of our parents were convinced that Russia was going to “nuke” us. I remember my first experience of empty supermarket shelves in detail. My panicked mother was buying boxes and boxes of powdered milk and potatoes, cans of soups and vegetables, and egg noodles. She was afraid that her family would run out of food. (Remember, she grew up during the Depression.) I have a vivid memory of seeing my mother’s anxious face as she saw the bare supermarket shelves. It frightened me, and imprinted me with a fear that someday, we truly might not have enough. (There is more involving recurrent nightmares, but I will spare you the details because we don’t need more fear images.)

Enter Coronoavirus

With shelves of supplies dwindling at times, it can easily cause panic. But don’t panic. I’ve got you.

As an avid organic gardener, a believer in food as medicine and essentially frugal, I have found ways to make healthy and tasty meals out of the dregs of the vegetables, a virtually empty refrigerator or with limited supplies. (My mother was also really frugal; She saved and reused aluminum foil and requested we use only 2 squares of TP for #1 and 4 squares for #2.)

During this period of isolation from the Coronavirus pandemic and perhaps depleted supplies, I thought it might be helpful to start a series of blog articles to help people get the most nutrition and flavor from their food supply.  And, hey, if nothing else, this period of social isolation is teaching us to be less wasteful and hopefully more considerate of others, our planet and resources.

This first post is designed to help people get the most use out of their fresh fruits and vegetables.

Use every part of the vegetable or fruit

Some of the most obvious ways to be frugal with (and get more nutrition from) your vegetables is to use nearly every part of them, including roots and tops. Here is my own list, followed next time with some great suggestions from a wonderful book I love, Waste Not, put out by the James Beard Foundation and published by Rizzoli. A compilation of chef recipes, I highly recommend this book! It is a brilliant education for our currently wasteful way of living. (And they’re not just great for during the Coronavirus!)

extending the life of fruits and vegetables during coronavirus isolation.
extend the life of fruits and vegetables during coronavirus isolation.

Each of the following deserves and will likely get its own blog post, but here are some highlights from my own list.

– Vegetable Soups

Use the less fresh vegetables and scraps. Start by sautéing onions and celery or the stalks of fennel (saving the bulb for other uses) in olive or coconut oil. Sprinkle liberally with spices (I’ll be writing another article on the best use of spices based on your physical state.) Saute and stir. One of my favorite flavor enhancers is to deglaze the pan with some sort of liquor (the alcohol burns off and the flavor remains. You can also deglaze with a little white or dark balsamic vinegar – although that has some sugar in it so will stick if you don’t watch it – or a little bit of white or red wine. (A great way to use those dregs left in the bottle). Throw in vegetables bits – including roots and leaves and stir to coat. Add liquid (bone broth, veggie or chicken or beef stock or water) to about two inches above the vegetables and simmer until soft. Puree or, if you like a more brothy soup, leave as is. You can also add potato or peels – the starch will thicken it and there are a lot of vitamins and some iron in the peels. If you want more depth of flavor, roast or caramelize the onions first.

– Vegetable broths and bone broth

Throw all the scraps from veggies and meat bones into a pot (or do them separately). Add some herbs (dried, fresh or just fresh stems), pepper corns, garlic and/or ginger (including skins). Include apple cores and skin, veggie peelings without wax, stems of greens, mushroom stems, Include a few whole carrots and onions if you have them to add depth.. Simmer until soft (12-24 hours for bone broth. Add a little acid like ACV or lemon juice to pull minerals out of bones.) Try roasting or caramelizing onions here, too. Strain.

– Risotto

A great way to use leftover veggies. Just add veggies toward the end of the cooking process.

– Veggie Burgers

Use leftover rice and beans for this, and throw in some grated veggies. This would also be a great way to use pulp from juicing to get more fiber and squeeze every nutrient out. If you feel you need a binder, add an egg or breadcrumbs. Or nothing! (Save and put dried ends of bread in food processor to make your own bread crumbs.)

– Teas from herbs

Use the stems (and leaves if you’re flush with fresh herbs) to make simple anti-viral teas. (And remember to dry herbs before they start to brown.) You can also use dried herbs for the teas, as well. Sage, oregano, rosemary, thyme, mint, and other stems all make a lovely tea. Try other herbs that are your favorites. Mix and match to see what you like best. A note on Dandelion:  It’s highly abundant in your yard and a nutritional powerhouse. You can use the flowers, leaves and roots. (don’t pick from roadsides!) By the way, Cilantro stems add amazing flavor to cooked dishes, but I personally don’t love the taste of cilantro tea (even though I adore the flavor in everything else.)

– Bean and Seed Sprouting

An inexpensive way to consume dense nutrients. Easily done in a mason jar with cheese cloth.

– Stems of greens

Often cut out and discarded, the stems contain a lot of nutrients. If you didn’t use them in your soups, chop and saute a bit before adding the leaves to the pan. They add crunch, too.

 – Juice your scraps! 

– Regrow your leek, celery and scallion ends (among other veggies)

Place them in a shallow cup of water and putting them in sunlight. Change water daily.

– Use your leaves and the parts you usually toss

You can eat the leaves of broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, turnip tops, beets, radish, carrot tops (in smaller quantities), as well as the broccoli stems and greens of scallions. If in doubt, google it, but all parts of most vegetables can be eaten. (Just wait until I get to weeds!) You can even make tahinis (thank you Waste Not) from your hard squash seeds like butternut, pumpkin and delicata.

– Refresh your wilting greens

This might be obvious, but putting the base of the stems in water or soaking in cold water can refresh greens and fresh herbs.

 – Get creative with fruit peels and rinds

Add to a pitcher of water in the refrigerator. Pickle or make chutneys or jams (even watermelon rind). Add to vinegars and strain (you can also do this with herb stems.) Soak orange peels in vinegar for about 5-7 days, strain and add a dot of soap to make a cleaner.


There are a lot of other ways to use the bits of fruits and vegetables we usually toss. Get creative! We can also use leftovers in inventive ways like fried rice or risotto, pestos, pasta dishes, croquettes or adding to salads. I’d love to hear how you use scraps and leftovers in your kitchen during this Coronavirus social isolation period!

Stay safe, stay healthy and please, stay home.

How to Deal with Health Information Overload

infooveerloadI’ve done it. Have you? A quick Google search about a symptom that has been bothering you or a recent diagnosis. Before you know it, the info is flooding your computer screen and you have more windows open than you can read in one day.

Which one has the “right” information? Whose advice do you take? Medicine?

Cleanses? Herbal support? Maybe you just have to eat more pineapple? How can you tell?

What do you do? Short of walking away from the computer and deciding you’re fine as you are, there are other options.

It is true: there is a lot to digest out there. But there is so much amazing research and so many new discoveries on various topics from the microbiome to brain plasticity that you don’t want to throw out the baby with the bathwater! But how do you decide what to listen to without getting confused?

Let me offer a few guidelines on finding some clarity amidst the info-overload. These are guidelines (not rules) because two of my core principles are that

1. we all have the capacity to heal way beyond what we think, and…

2. we need to empower ourselves and make our own healthcare decisions (with sound advice)

8 Guidelines to Handling Health Information Overload:

#1: Get quiet and listen to your inner knowing.
Use that inner knowing to help you pick one or two people whose work you really respect, and listen to their advice. That doesn’t mean be a blind follower and stop your research, it just means don’t try to do everything at once. And, importantly, follow your gut. You know more than you think you do.

I have patients who have seen a chiropractor, physical therapist, colon therapist, nutritionist, energy worker, and medical doctor. They’ve gotten conflicting advice from all of them. All they have as a result—in addition to 40 supplement bottles and a few prescriptions—is confusion. My advice when this happens? Don’t try everything at once. One at a time, and see what works for you.

#2: Test your reactions.
Our bodies are pretty wise caretakers of our souls. They give us hints about what is working and what’s not. If someone suggests you try L Glutamine for leaky gut (something I advise a lot of my patients to do) and you feel worse, then stop taking it. There is a small percentage of people in the world who can’t metabolize L glutamine well. They’ll know it because they’ll feel it.

#3: Realize there is no magic bullet.
We’ve become trained to think that when you take a medicine for a symptom and the symptom goes away, you have been cured. Like magic! Most times, this is the farthest thing from the truth. Take proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec™. Sure, your heartburn disappears, but are you cured? No! The medication eliminates your body’s hydrochloric acid production. You need that stuff! It helps you break down food and kills fungus and bacteria. This brings me to the next guideline….

#4: Take your health into your own hands.
Yes, it’s fine to do research. Keep doing research. Take the information you find to your healthcare practitioners and ask about it. Know that ultimately you will decide what makes sense to you—for your body, lifestyle, and inner knowing. And…

#5: Watch out for your own resistance to change.
Sometimes we don’t want to change anything because it will be too difficult. We don’t want to give up what’s making us feel sick (wine, cheese, gluten, etc.) and we make excuses. Sometimes you just don’t know it will work until you try it, so, on to the next guideline:

#6: Be smart, but give it a try.
Don’t try every new thing that comes down the pike! But if it’s something you’re reading or hearing a lot about and people are getting results, it might be worth a shot. Again, check in with healthcare practitioners whom you trust, and with yourself, and see if it’s right for you. And therefore, take heed of the next guideline…

#7: Be observant, not obsessive.
It’s easy to worry about everything that enters your mouth or touches your skin—especially with things like dietary changes that you must adhere to pretty strictly. Yes, some people have to be extra cautious—like with celiac or other food sensitivities. But, there is a balance somewhere between crazy-making behavior and common sense. If you have an autoimmune disease, for example, you do have to be very cautious… but don’t let it rule your life. Give yourself time to think about other things besides your “disease.” This leads me to the following guideline:

#8: Focus on what’s good and right in your life.
Focusing on your disease, label, diagnosis, is more likely to keep you sick. I decided early on that I wasn’t going to say I “had” Sjogren’s or Hashimoto’s disease. Instead, I say, “I was diagnosed with….” That helps me realize that much of the way I feel is up to me and my choices. It helps me lead a normal life where I am not defined by my disease.

Therefore there is a 9th guideline after all. Repeat after me: “I am not defined by my disease. A miracle can happen in any moment.” This is not fantasy thinking. Our minds directly affect our bodies (and vice versa) and negative thoughts have a physical impact. When you think you are your disease, it will color everything. You will lose sight of living fully. I know it can be hard when you are feeling lousy, but I urge to focus on what is beautiful and wonderful in your life. It will make all the difference in how you feel.

I hope you find these guidelines and perspectives helpful. It is so easy to get overwhelmed that we either shut down or try to do it all and get overwhelmed. Be mindful of how you are feeling. Live life like you mean it. Seek moderation and balance—watchwords for us all.

Acupressure and Other Tips for Fear and Anxiety

We are all connected. A tree does not stand alone. It lives in an inter-dependent community that includes its own roots, the fungus and lichen that live on and near it, the decomposing litter on the forest floor that feeds it.

We live in a web too. We rarely tune into it, but we are connected to each other and everything around us. That means the feelings of one can affect the wellbeing of others. (I will spare you the quantum physics explanation.)

The fear and anxiety circulating these days is understandable, but toxic. What can you do about it? Plenty.

Here are some tips for quelling the fear and embracing your accountability to the planet — because we live in an interdependent world.

Anxiety disorders form the majority of diagnosed mental illnesses. Rather than focusing on the symptoms of the various diagnoses, I want to focus on helping you find balance and the tools to relieve the anxiety or fear you might be experiencing.

Worrying about outcomes, being scared of what might happen—these are normal experiences now and then. Given the state of the world, we are seeing more of it. Wherever it comes from, fear produces chemicals in our bodies that are designed to help us deal with serious threat—to fight or flee. The problem is, we produce the same chemicals even when the threat is imagined, caused by compulsive thinking, or generalized anxiety.

The more we stress out, the more our bodies become habituated to those chemicals. What that means is that it becomes easier and easier for our thoughts to trigger a bodily reaction suitable to a saber-tooth tiger attack. Now the body is flooded with stress chemicals but we have no tiger to fight or run from.

We get so used to being flooded with the chemicals (being anxious) that when they leave, we may feel strange, which triggers the scary thoughts, the chemicals, and the process starts over.

Acupuncture has recognized anxiety for centuries and has a millennia of treatment options for alleviating it. While a diagnosis by a qualified acupuncturist is always ideal, here are some steps and a few acupressure points (there are many more) you can engage to help you bring down the fear and over-thinking. Couple the acupressure with a simple breathing technique, and you will start to retrain your brain, hormones, and mind to respond differently.

Step 1: Acknowledge your fears or anxiety. Pushing them down only makes them bigger.

Step 2: Remember how easily we are affected by others’ fears and vice versa.

Step 3: Talk to yourself: how likely is it that what you are worrying about will come true? Most likely, it is pretty unlikely. (In other words, put it in perspective to calm your over-active mind.)

Step 4: Breathing technique:

Close your eyes and settle comfortably.
Take a few deep breaths and inwardly repeat to yourself: “I am safe in this moment” with each out breath.
Feel your breathing quiet and slow.
Feel your body begin to relax. (This whole process may only take one or two minutes).
Pay attention to the length of your inhalation. Most people inhale (when focusing) to the count of 3 or 4.
Lengthen your exhalation so that it is twice as long as your inhalation, so you exhale to a count of 6, 7 or 8. Doing this just a few times will physiologically slow your heart rate and decrease the hormone release that causes anxiety or stress.
Do that for a few minutes.

Step 5: From the following table, locate several acupuncture points that you feel pertain to your situation and feelings.

Step 6: Press or massage the acupuncture point until you feel a strong sensation. Send your focus into that point, knowing it will begin to strengthen your resolve and the meridian itself. Intend that you will find more balance, simply by doing this.

Step 7: When you feel your fear and anxiety subside more, you may stop.

This whole process can be done as many times as needed. You might find different points more effective at different times. Play around and give yourself the gift of 5-10 minutes of what is essentially retraining your brain and therefore body, to respond differently. Once you know your triggers, and what points work for you, you can cut that time in half and still have results.

Finally, the next time you feel fearful or anxious remind yourself that you are safe in this moment. Don’t allow the old fear pattern in your brain to rewire again — you are creating a different wiring to create a different habit.


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Embrace Your Optimal Health


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