Monthly Archives: December 2012

New Year, New You – 5 Steps to Creating Lasting Change

calvin-and-hobbesSo many people start out the new year thinking, “Starting January 2 (because you give yourself that extra day to be ‘bad’ ) I’m going to …quit smoking, lose weight, go to the gym, open my own business, switch jobs, stand up for myself….” The list can go on and on, but the truth is, resolutions are generally flimsy. They’re limp. They aren’t backed up appropriately, and so they only serve to make you feel bad about yourself.

So how do you begin to change things?

First of all, stop making resolutions you ultimately know are full of hot air. Sorry, tough love time. I’ve done this myself. I get it. And it doesn’t work.

You can wish something to be different, but until you actually become an active participant in doing it differently, nothing will change. Until you actively participate and understand that change needs to occur on all 4 levels of your being –mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually — the change will be short-lived or not fully realized.

Mental discipline is not enough, though it is a start. One of the reasons diets don’t usually work is because it needs to be more than a mental process! You can’t will yourself away from the cookie that you are using to stuff down a feeling until you identify the feeling, create a positive desire for change that is connected to an emotion, know why you want to change, and then create do-able steps to make the change.

Here are some ways to create change in your life, starting today.

Step 1: Vision
First of all, you have to know where you want to go. If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you get there? Imagine using a GPS without an address or destination. There will be no roadmap available! Really get into the vision of where you’d like to be in the next year. Spend some time imagining what it would be like to really be there.

Make a list of what you would like to accomplish in the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year. It should be a stretch, but do-able. If you don’t believe you can accomplish these things, it will only serve to create fodder for self-sabotage

You have to do this part. You have to. You can’t just fantasize the “wouldn’t it be great if…” scenario. That’s not taking responsibility and it’s not creating change. You have to write it down.

Step 2: Why?
This is where you get into why you want these things. Your why is what gives you the motivation to follow through. If you don’t know why you want what you want, you’ll lose your mojo and stick-to-itiveness. Why is perhaps one of the most important questions you can ask yourself.

Dig deeply to find your why; it’s not a superficial answer. For example, why do you want to make more money? It’s not really because you want a new car or house. More than likely, it’s because you want the lifestyle, freedom and peace that more money will afford you.

Go beyond the initial answer and find something of real value that will connect you more profoundly with why you want to change something.

This might be a great place to tap into your spiritual aspect, as well. Many of us are motivated by wanting to experience a deep and profound sense of happiness, balance and contentment. Those are love-based emotions that stem from spirit.

We want connection with others in our lives, and want to feel a deeper sense of spiritual satisfaction. When you picture the whys of your life, ask yourself how your sense of spirituality will be affected by the changes. Are you motivated by doing good for others? Of watching the ripple effect of love-based emotions and the effect on those around you?

Step 3: Emotion
Connecting emotion to your vision is hugely important. When you want to create change in your life, getting in touch with the emotion around “the why” will empower your decision more than you can imagine. Emotions are powerful tools – and you are the one in charge of them (believe it or not!).

A while back I talked about how thoughts create emotions and emotions stir us to act. This is where emotions come into play. You are not going to act unless you “feel it.”

When you envision your future and the changes you want to make, try to feel what that change would be like. What emotions would you experience if that happened? What stirs you to create such a change? What emotions are connected to your why?

Step 4: Pain or Pleasure?
The problem with resolutions is that you can’t get beyond the misery of change. I’ll go back to the dieting example. If you associate deprivation and pain with “giving up” the foods you love, you’ll never make the change.

Start identifying the pleasure you will experience when you make the changes you wish to make. Picture and experience the pleasure of having more energy, moving joints that don’t hurt, waking from a very sound and restful sleep, perhaps realizing that the reflux has gone away. Imagine yourself fitting into those jeans you know you want to get back into. Feel the elation of exercising and the endorphin rush that comes with it.

Pick what speaks to you.

The bottom line is that humans are motivated by two things: the avoidance of pain and the seeking of pleasure. If you identify the change with pain, you won’t do it. When you identify it with pleasure, you are more motivated to create and manifest what you desire.
Most of the pain, by the way, is in your imagination. So engage in a mental dialogue with yourself. Replace the imagined pain with that imagined pleasure.

Step 5: Act
Begin the planning stages. Create 3 levels of action steps:

The ultimate goal

An intermediate goal that is do-able but a stretch

A small step that you know you can accomplish soon

Write. It. Down.

Pick a step you want to take, and begin to planfully act on it, using these other steps to fuel you.

So, you can see here that you’ve engaged your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual parts of yourself in order to create the scenario for change. Embodying change on all 4 of those aspects and doing what I suggest here, will give you an excellent setup for change.

So, ditch the resolutions. Create life-long changes by employing these steps.

Happy New Year! And here’s to creating a 2013 that’s better than ever!

Your Impact is Huge

butterflygirl_6Personal transformation is not selfish It is not egotistical or self-centered to want to be the best person you can be. It is when people feel “less than” that they feel the need to prove their point, strike out, cause strife, hurt people. Those feelings are, obviously, evidence of the amount of pain someone is in.

But it’s not always that overt.

Each one of us has a place that wants to be healed, a pain that stops us from moving forward in our lives. Healing that place happens when you make the decision and then create the steps to move forward – from a place of exploration and knowing that you will take decisive action – into what’s next. It’s about the kind of person you want to be in this life, the kind of effect you want to have on humanity. It’s about really stepping into your authenticity and power so that you can bring your light more brightly into the world.

The more you shine your light in the world, the more others are drawn to that goodness, that beauty, that power. The more they want to have that for themselves.

You raise the energy of the planet when you are being all that you can be.

Now, more than ever, the planet needs you to step up. It needs you to transform so that you can live the life you are here to lead. No excuses. Fears are inevitable, but that is where courage comes in. You do it anyway – not just for yourself, but for the Tribe of One that we are a part of on this planet.

Because we are all connected – everything you do, affects everyone else on some level.

If you are not being all you can be, you are not encouraging those around you to be all they can be. We all lead – either by default or by choice. Leading by choice happens because you are making choices and active decisions in your life!

I recently made the choice – (and it was, on one level, a very tough decision for me) to really invest in myself. I invested to the point that it was really uncomfortable. But you know what? The universe brought abundance to me almost immediately. And then more. And more. The more I have stepped it up, the more the Universe brought it forward.

You know why? Because I told the Universe that I was ready.

And, the more I grow, the more I can help others grow. The ripple effect.

When you step it up for yourself and transform whatever you want to transform in your life (not need, but WANT to transform) the Universe is there, waiting for you to step into your brilliance!

One of my mentors recently said to me: “Here’s what you should be afraid of: that you get to the end of your life and didn’t do what you were meant to do here. THAT should scare the shit out of you.”

And it did. And I am not going to let that happen to me, and it is my desire that it not happen to any of you… or anyone at all.

You are each here for a divine, unique purpose. It’s time to make the choices you need to make, the transformations you need to create, so that you don’t get to the end of your life and look back and say, “If only…”

We are poised for world-wide change. We have just passed the winter solstice, the end of the Mayan calendar. People called for the world to end. That didn’t happen.

They were afraid that life as we know it would stop. And it certainly is, I hope! We are being asked to step up more, to be so responsible that we make the decisions necessary to become all we can be. The planet is up-vibrating and we are being asked to do and be more: brilliant, responsible, aware, caring, peaceful, grateful and serving.

You are here to serve the planet and yourself in whatever way is unique to each of you. And it is time.

Ask yourself, “What was I put here to do?”…

The Quiet of My Home

Journal entry, February 9, 2009

As I sit here on a Sunday morning in February, snow blanketing the ground, a light breeze making the chimes sing, I love the soft quiet.  My girls, my ducklings, as I like to call them when they’re here together, are asleep in their beds.  It’s nearly noon, and I know they are wallowing in the comfort of their beds, their home safe-space.  And I’m loving the picture of it.

 I go in quietly, just to look.  Their sleepy faces, even at 19 and nearly 16, remind me of their toddler years, cheeks and lips puffy with slumber. I can’t help but touch their heads, like when they were babies. Well, I never stopped touching their heads. Something about the feel of my hand on their head that makes my heart stop…seems to reinforce a bond, makes a deeper energetic connection. I can almost see the energy exchange…but I digress.

Nothing fills the stillness like the knowledge that one’s children are home – The silent sounds of their sleeping bodies, permeates me. It is as if I’m being enveloped by their tender breath, hugged from all sides, though they rest in opposite sides of the house.  

It is a gift, on this cold wet morning, I wish to hold on to.. I want never to let it go- back out the door, to leave this home.  But my gift to them is that I will. And without guilt, because grow up they must. Go out the door and into a world of which I am not a part.  But that energetic cord remains, and fills us all. Then they come home again to their touchstone, the comfortable, safe place of soft pillows, little animals sprinkled on their beds, fires crackling, the smells of stews cooking; the world of cuddling and laughter that is unique to a mother’s home. They always come back. No matter how brief. That I know. And I’ll always be with them, that I feel.

I love being their mother. So bittersweet.

Teri and her girls 2012 photo

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