Monthly Archives: November 2013

Some of my Favorite Books!

bookSome of favorite (non-fiction) books:

You 2: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps, by Price Pritchett

The Quantum Leap Strategy, by Price Pritchett

The Tools: 5 Tools to help You Find Courage, Creativity, and Willpower – and Inspire You to Live Life in Forward Motion, by Phil Stutz

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Voice of Knowledge, by Don Miguel Ruiz

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: A Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depressive, Obsessiveness, by Daniel G. Amen

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, by Normal Doidge

Awaken the Giant Within, by Anthony Robbins

Unlimited Power, by Anthony Robbins

Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results, by Elizabeth Glaser

The Gift of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You Should Be and Embrace Who You Are, by Brene Brown

Working With the Law, by Raymond Holliwell

Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow, by Elizabeth Lesser

The Dance of Anger, by Harrier Lerner

When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Pema Chodron

Taking the Leap:  Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears, Pema Chodron

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Eckhart Tolle

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success:  A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams, by Deepak Chopra

God Works Through Faith, Robert Russel (out of print, but David Neagle has a program with it reissued)

Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of  Power and Healing, by Caroline Myss

Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill

The Power of Self-Coaching: The Five Essential Steps to Creating The Life You want, by Joseph J Luciani

Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, by Byron Katie

The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles, by Maryann Williamson

The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First, by Mark Hyman

Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel For Brilliance, by Jonathan Fields




How to Live Life in Gratitude

Things that I am grateful for by Teri Goetz
Things that I am grateful for by Teri Goetz

Much has been written on the difference between the two words gratitude and appreciation, so let me just sum up before we dive in.

Without going all Oxford dictionary on you, gratitude is the quality of being thankful and appreciation is recognizing the (positive) qualities of someone or something. Interestingly, each has the other word as part of their definition. This indicates the confusion everyone feels in trying to understand the difference between the two words.

My suggestion? Do your very best to experience BOTH. When you are both grateful and appreciative you feel thankful as well as admiring of all that came together to create that state of gratitude.  For example, you can be grateful for the fact that your child or partner is in your life, but stopping to really admire their traits enhances the feeling of gratitude – and often leads to intensified feelings of pure love.

It’s interesting to note that sometimes, gratitude is tinged with a bit of negative vibration in that it’s sometimes seen as relief from a previous state. For example, “Phew. I’m so grateful it has stopped raining.” Even when we talk about ourselves, gratitude may even be tinged with the idea that on some level, we believe we are unworthy of what it is we are grateful for and therefore should feel grateful for what we have.

Obviously, I’m a deep believer in recognizing all there is to be grateful for – in fact, see below for some gratitude exercises which absolutely increase your daily happiness factor. However, when it is couched in a negative, I’m-not-worthy attitude, it can also be somewhat disempowering. For example, in prayers, we often see the words “I am not worthy.”   Or you might hear a friend say, “I’m lucky that I found him.” Lucky? You manifested this person in your life, by your behavior, your vibration of openness and love and at least on some level, asking the universe for a partner. You deserve what you have. Be grateful, but know that.

But here are some ways to bring the practice of gratitude into your life (and I recommend you couple it with appreciation whenever possible!):

  • Every morning and evening make a mental note of 3 things you are grateful for. I used to do this with my kids at dinner, asking, “Name 3 great things that happened today in your life.”
  • As Maryanne Williamson says, treat every interaction as “holy.” When you appreciate that we are all connected, you see the “divine” in everyone and therefore in yourself.
  • Throughout the day, pause for 60 seconds and just breathe in gratitude and appreciation for anything you can find in your life. When you are in that state, you create the vibration (and begin seeing opportunities) of attracting more to be grateful for. (You also tend to be more generous with others.)
  • Keep a “gratitude bowl” in your bedroom. At the end of the day write at least one thing on a slip of paper that you are grateful for. When you’re feeling low, pull a few out and read them (thank you to Laura Clark for this suggestion).
  • If you struggle to find things to feel grateful for, turn to the things you take for granted every day: the ability to walk, to lie in a comfortable bed with soft sheets, the people who love you, that you have an abundance of food to eat, electric lights and hot and cold running water…. Keep the list running, and you will be amazed.
  • Write a letter or visit someone you feel grateful for. This could be someone you’ve not seen in years (an old teacher or a friend you’ve lost touch with). Express your appreciation and what he or she did to impact your life.
  • Take a gratitude walk. When you’re ready to spit nails, go take a walk and look for all the things that you are grateful for on that walk: the beautiful flowers, the adorable child, the breeze, the fact that you have choice in your life.
  • Keep a gratitude totem. Keep something within your sight to remind you to be grateful. This can be a stone, a twig, a photograph of something that makes you move into that state. Pause long enough to relish that as often as possible.
  • Put a thank you sign on your mirror or door so that each time you wake up or leave your home you are grateful for this day.
  • Abraham Hicks recommends a “rampage of gratitude.” You can do this in writing or in your mind’s eye. Simply look around you and notice what makes you feel good. Let the feeling build and build. Notice something else that is pleasing, and keep going until you are standing in full-blown awe at how amazing it is to be alive.

I advise you to get creative! There are so many ways to practice gratitude and appreciation.

So, while eating your Thanksgiving meal, I invite you to truly pause and appreciate the taste and texture of your food (be mindful when you eat, drink  — which will also make you aware of when you are FULL!) and to sit at your table and admire all of the people around it (even “annoying” family members – find something to appreciate about them). Be grateful for your bounty, for the love in your life.


Do Your Actions Honor Your Dreams?

What Are You Waiting for“Desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within, seeking expression without through your action.”  Wallace Wattles

We all have dreams. Desires. How does the desire come to be realized?

The answer is always this: When behavior matches desire.

What does that mean? You have to live as if what you want is coming to you, and it is coming to you now. It is not enough to just wish for something. When you have a desire, you have to ask yourself what behaviors need to occur in order to achieve the desire? How do you need to BE in order to achieve what you want?

This is a question I ask myself regularly: “Is this how a successful and confident business owner would act?”  I answer my own question and then act accordingly.

As much as we’d love to believe that simply visualizing is enough—it isn’t. Visualizing is important, but you must also behave according to your desire. Think of it as if you are living “from” the goal – not to it.  That means that you behave as if the achievement of your desire is already set in motion. When you live to the goal, it means there is a gap from where you are now to where you want to be. That feels frustrating. We spend too much time looking at the gap (or at what we don’t have or can’t achieve) that we stay focused on that lack. Remember, what you focus on you get! You are putting the energy into what you don’t have. The result of doing that is the universe is answering you, based on your actions which are based on your thoughts.

Instead, give yourself the experience of winning – even if just a little bit at a time. Create winning situations, go out on a limb and do something that assumes what you want will come true. Example: doing something that scares you a little. .  Be daring, be bold. Step out of your habitual patterns and act as if your desire is moving toward you, right now, in this moment.

I can hear a lot of internal dialogue going on right now: “I’m not good enough, worthy enough, young/old enough, thin enough.” And then there’s this: “What if I fail? What will they think of me – if I fail OR succeed?”  I know this voice, because I’ve heard it in my own head.  It is  the “I’m not worthy” voice.

That thought process needs to change, and it needs to change NOW. I’ll say this again: Spirit did not create any of us more deserving than another. If you have the desire, you have the ability to create whatever it is you want. Spirit doesn’t say you are not worthy and someone else is.

You know, the interesting thing about the universe is that it actually doesn’t really care whether you are a good person or a bad person. It has laws governing it that exist regardless of how nice you are. For example, if you step off a building, you will fall no matter how nice you are. It is the law of gravity.

Universal laws exist because they are laws. They don’t have a conscience, they simply are. The Law of Polarity states that if there’s a negative, there’s a positive. If there’s an up, there’s a down. If there’s a negative cash flow, there has to be a positive cash flow. It’s there. And when your behavior demonstrates that you know it’s there, it starts moving toward you faster and faster.

So, your behavior needs to keep pace with your desire. Ask yourself what does your behavior tell you. Are you acting like a successful business owner? Are you acting as a woman who commands respect in her relationship? Are you behaving like you’re expecting what you want to come forward?

Remember, life mirrors what’s going on inside. You have to BE the person who invests in herself in a program to take you to the next level, who takes the risk of calling that guy you’ve been wanting to go out with, takes the job you’re scared of taking, or raises your fees so that they are commensurate with the value you are providing your client.

Remember, all creations come first as a desire in the mind and heart: the lightbulb, the airplane, the computer and the cell phone were all just once someone’s desire.  When you recognize the desire within yourself, it points the way. And then you have to maintain that vision. Feed it every day with emotionally charged, positive thoughts. The emotions amp up the power of your thoughts and send your desire out to the universe in a super-charged way!

Lastly, you will only find what you want when you look for it and expect it. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

So what do you think?


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