Monthly Archives: June 2012

Transformation Begins With Your Mindset

Do you believe you were just born a certain way, with traits and limitations, habits and desires that are unchangeable? How often have you heard someone say, “It’s just the way I am?”

Okay, this is where my calm gets shaken, because that is utter nonsense.

wonderful life photoYes, I agree we’re born with certain proclivities, physicality, and have inherited a certain DNA from our parents. However, science is learning more and more each day about the ability of the brain to literally change and adapt, to learn new things, and yes, to change so that you can become a happier, more joyful individual.

For starters, you’ve heard me talk about how changing your thoughts changes your brain. That is key to changing mindset. When we change our mindsets, we can grow and change in SO many ways, and nearly anything is possible.

We also have made up a set of beliefs about ourselves that are based on our interpretations of things that have happened in our lives. VERY often, these interpretations are limited and wrong. It is only through examining all of these limiting beliefs we have that we crack open the door to creating more of what we want, instead of saying, “It’s just the way it is.”

Growth oriented mindsets create transformations. Open-minded individuals are growth oriented. It is arrogance to think that, just because you have heard something once, you really know it. It is only through application that you REALLY know it. It’s also sometimes important to hear it differently, hear it again, apply it to another part of your life.

We’ve all heard the term, peel the onion, and it applies here. Each layer of awareness creates a deeper understanding, until finally real knowing and clarity sets in. It is then that real transformation begins.

So, I encourage you to begin opening your mind to new possibilities, to change and growth. Begin by taking small steps so that you feel comfortable.

One day you’ll look back at who you were and say, “Wow. Look at all I’ve accomplished – how I’ve reinvented and transformed myself.” You’ll wake up in the morning with a smile, grateful to face the kind of day you have created for yourself.

It really can be that magnificent. You really can have a wonderful life – the life you’ve always dreamed of.

And PS: I haven’t even touched on the body or spirit parts! Wait till we get to that!

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Embrace Your Optimal Health


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