Monthly Archives: May 2014

Guided Visualization: To change your life, you have to DECIDE to change

This guided visualization is a beginning step to changing your life. Before you jump into the visualization (or meditation, if you prefer), please read the following and do these steps to prepare. It is vital to the exercise.

  1. Identify something about yourself that you would like to change – just one thing: an attitude, behavior, feeling or reaction to something that keeps repeating itself and keeps you stuck.
  2. Look at where this plays out in your life. Spend some time thinking about the impact it has on different aspects of your life.
  3. The thinking process brings this unconscious, or learned, automatic behavior to your conscious awareness – in other words, what was unconscious becomes conscious. This behavior has become so habitualized that you don’t even know you are doing it most of the time (as when you drive a car) . Examples of habitualized behavior:  responding with unhelpful anger in certain situations, judgments that surface all the time which cause you to compare yourself, or a self-sabotaging behavior.
  4. Now I will be walking you through the process of projecting yourself into a situation ahead of actually experiencing it. Why? Because the mind doesn’t really know the difference between real or imagined experiences. When you take something that was formerly unconscious and bring it forward into consciousness, you have the opportunity to “rewire” that habit into something new – but you have to do it when you’re in a relaxed state of mind (i.e., theta brain waves).
  5. To make this exercise more effective, we’ll be attaching an emotion to it.
  6. I’ll ask you some questions, inviting you to really dive into the experience of changing the behavior you’ve targeted. You might not have had the direct experience of it (or you might have!) but you certainly know what happiness or joy feels like – and you have the experience of witnessing others experience them too.
  7. Have an open mind and an open heart.
  8. Enjoy….
  9. And repeat every day!


If you would like to receive a downloadable audio of this guided visualization, please enter your name + email below.

Are you living what feels like a “good enough” life?

How many times are you going to push down that little voice that says, “Hello, remember me?” It’s that part of you that got lost in the dust of every day life. The woman who, Gilda Radner quoteby default, let her dreams wait?

The problem with reinventing yourself, finding your true purpose, is that too often it feels like it can wait.

“Life is pretty good.”

“Let me get the kids out of high school first.”

“I should be happy with what I have”

“I’ll get to that when ……”

But, do you want just a “good enough” life?  When is it time to give a little breathing space to that woman crammed into a box that doesn’t fit?  A little time to venture out into a new world?

Too often, you spend so much time looking back (with regret or sadness) and not looking forward (reacting to fears, what ifs) that creating what you truly want (or some parts of it) feels like a mountain to climb, full of a whole new set of what ifs, or guilt or a new fear… of failure.

If you want something to change, you have to make the choice to do it. In other words, you need to take control of your future.

In the next few weeks, I’m going to be continuing on the “find your purpose” theme. To start, here’s a little exercise that is extremely helpful to get your juices flowing toward breaking down the box.

Answer the following questions in your journal. You must write this down. The act of writing is a commitment in and of it self – it tells the universe that you’re preparing for something new. It tells your subconscious that you’re looking at life from a different perspective.

  • If I had all the time in the world, what would I do?
  • If money were no object, what would I like to spend my time doing?
  • What are the top 3 things I am most passionate about? (Not what you think you should feel passion for, but what really floats your boat.)
  • What am I simply tolerating in my life?

Give yourself time to really lean into this exercise. The more you write free flow, without editing, without preconceived ideas, the easier it will be to tap into your inner guidance, your inner knowing.

This is a great place to start. Next week, I’m going to send you a guided visualization to help you take the next step on your journey of finding your purpose.

And by the way, have fun with this. Your future is pretty exciting!

When you feel like quitting

You are beautifully, amazingly, (sometimes) frighteningly, and reliably human. That means you “make mistakes,” screw up your business trajectory, say the wrong things to the ones you love and make really dumb decisions. Accept it.

Then, forgive yourself. Move on.

Where’s the lesson? There’s always a lesson. Are you looking for it or feeling victimized by it? Or are you “at the effect of” it?

It’s too easy to quit. When things get tough, you might begin the process of quitting without even admitting to yourself that you’re doing it. You might start to make what seems like very logical arguments for why it doesn’t make sense to pursue your dream or how easy it would be to let that goal slip. You begin molding your thoughts and self into socially acceptable reasons for being just like everyone else.

So, while you are just like everyone else in that you’re human – and you are no more important than anyone else – you do have a miraculous dream that is uniquely yours. If you let yourself. Your dream is particular to you. You don’t have to move mountains with your dream. Or, you can. Your dream might seem tiny. But you know that, in truth, it’s not.

But I’m sure you know by now that the ripple effect of changing even one life can be huge.

So my question is: where do you stop? Where’s your “terror hurdle?” What happens that gives you the excuse you need to let your dream slide by the wayside, into the deeper recesses of your being, where you can say:

Next time.

Maybe later.

It’s not that important.

My life is fine as it is.

I’m too busy.

When something happens, like you have a less than ideal client push your boundaries to the nth degree or your friend tells you just to “let it be” and to stop trying so hard because they simply don’t understand your dream– how can they? It’s your dream, not theirs –  do you use it as more fuel to feed your quitting argument, your “it’s not worth it” internal dialogue?

Maybe you don’t know exactly what that dream is. A lot of people don’t. That’s why finding your purpose is so important. (And why I have a business!) It’s not just fluff. It’s your substrate. It’s your source connection. But, because it isn’t as “real” as not having enough money to buy the new car or invest in your business, it’s too easy to put off. Bury. Ignore.

You are here to be the fullest expression of who you can be. Do you really want to quit? Do you really want to let your dreams, passions, goals slip into the oblivion of every day busy-ness so that you look back one day and say “I wish I’d….”

Don’t let those who don’t embark on their dream path take you off yours. You must  keep your juices flowing, your inspiration pumped, your “tribe” by your side. You must make incremental, baby steps (which lead to quantum leaps) every single day (with time off for self-care). You must never allow the luxury of a negative thought. It is like a virus that spreads, and becomes “logical” explanations for why you should quit.

Sure, you’ll have bad days. Of course you’ll have times when you want to quit. But don’t. Please don’t. There are those out there waiting for you. The essential you is waiting for you to let her out. In a big, badass kind of way.

Eleanor Roosevelt said,

“Do one thing every day that scares you.”

Sometimes that one thing is getting back in the game. Giving it one more shot because it’s your dream.

Of course it scares you. If it didn’t scare you, it wouldn’t be big enough.
Step out of the social mold that tells you why you can’t. Step into true belief.

And dammit! Do one thing every day that scares you. It’s really okay.




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