
Guided Visualization: To change your life, you have to DECIDE to change

This guided visualization is a beginning step to changing your life. Before you jump into the visualization (or meditation, if you prefer), please read the following and do these steps to prepare. It is vital to the exercise.

  1. Identify something about yourself that you would like to change – just one thing: an attitude, behavior, feeling or reaction to something that keeps repeating itself and keeps you stuck.
  2. Look at where this plays out in your life. Spend some time thinking about the impact it has on different aspects of your life.
  3. The thinking process brings this unconscious, or learned, automatic behavior to your conscious awareness – in other words, what was unconscious becomes conscious. This behavior has become so habitualized that you don’t even know you are doing it most of the time (as when you drive a car) . Examples of habitualized behavior:  responding with unhelpful anger in certain situations, judgments that surface all the time which cause you to compare yourself, or a self-sabotaging behavior.
  4. Now I will be walking you through the process of projecting yourself into a situation ahead of actually experiencing it. Why? Because the mind doesn’t really know the difference between real or imagined experiences. When you take something that was formerly unconscious and bring it forward into consciousness, you have the opportunity to “rewire” that habit into something new – but you have to do it when you’re in a relaxed state of mind (i.e., theta brain waves).
  5. To make this exercise more effective, we’ll be attaching an emotion to it.
  6. I’ll ask you some questions, inviting you to really dive into the experience of changing the behavior you’ve targeted. You might not have had the direct experience of it (or you might have!) but you certainly know what happiness or joy feels like – and you have the experience of witnessing others experience them too.
  7. Have an open mind and an open heart.
  8. Enjoy….
  9. And repeat every day!


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5 Responses to Guided Visualization: To change your life, you have to DECIDE to change

  1. I think we are right in sync this week, Terri! Making changes and taking leaps has been the theme for me. You noted how important it is that your body must be relaxed in order for change to happen. Great point!

  2. Wonderful! I write and record guided meditation albums. I LOVE how you invite us to prepare for the experience and then give us a choice to opt-in and listen. Thank you!

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