Monthly Archives: December 2013

What Does it Mean to Live a Rich & Prosperous Life?

rich and prosperousWe all know that true happiness ( the true “richness,” of life) does not come with a price tag. There are genuinely rich experiences we have in life that are completely free.  And, we always have a choice about how we feel about anything. We can choose to see a situation as perfect, even if it’s difficult. Or, we can choose to see only what is wrong.

I believe a rich life is composed of many factors. While the topic is fairly subjective, there tend to be common threads among those who feel they live a rich and prosperous life. Below are some of the most common statements I hear.  As you read them, ask yourself which ones align with your life.

  • I have people I love in my life (friends and family) and meaningful relationships.
  • I appreciate what I have and take good care of it.
  • I am healthy.
  • I have a fulfilling, purpose-filled career and work among wonderful people.
  • I am fulfilling my destiny.
  • I have a lot of laughter in my life.
  • I create memories that I will cherish.
  • I have a beautiful home and am surrounded by things I appreciate.
  • I live according to my values.
  • I have a rich inner life, deeply connected to spirit and myself.
  • I live a creative life (or a spontaneous, well-run, fun, laughter-filled, energetic one – whatever is important to you).
  • I give generously because I live according to the laws of prosperity and abundance.
  • My life has significance.
  • I have good food to eat.
  • I believe I will always be more than okay.
  • I know I am right where I should be.
  • I appreciate what I have.
  • Money flows to me easily.

Then there are those who, when looking at themselves honestly, are living a life focused more on lack or what’s wrong. In addition to the opposite of the affirmations listed above,  I hear:

  • Why can’t I make more money?
  • She’s more successful, yet I’m smarter.
  • I’m worried all the time.
  • I’m not really sure if I’ll fulfill my destiny.
  • I feel guilty because I have more than others.
  • I compare myself to others all the time.
  • I judge others.
  • S/he takes advantage of me.
  • I can’t be successful/happy/content because s/he …. (aka, blaming others).
  • I don’t have enough time/money/opportunity.
  • I can’t help it if …..
  • I have all this stuff. Why can’t I be happy?
  • It’s just the way I am.
  • All I do is work.
  • I’m too fat, skinny, old, young, etc.
  • I don’t know how to ….
  • I’m just not cut out to have wealth/money/a great partner/peace.
  • You have to work really hard to have money.
  • Having money isn’t spiritual.

Obviously, both lists could go on and on. But there are a couple of secrets to living a rich and prosperous life – and they lie within your own control.

It starts with how you think. Remembering the law of attraction, what you think about, you receive. So ask yourself what it is that you are focused on. If you have limiting beliefs about money, relationships, health, or any form of abundance, you are attracting more of the same into your life. If you are focused more on what you don’t have, you are necessarily drawing more of that lack into your life.

Consciously, you might believe that you are doing everything you can to achieve a rich and prosperous life. But subconsciously, if you don’t believe you deserve it or can achieve it, you are either sabotaging yourself, or missing opportunities to bring abundance into your life.

Richness and prosperity is not what you have. It’s a state of mind. Instead of focusing on what you lack, shift your focus to how you can have what you want in your life. You then start behaving differently, and will attract shockingly amazing opportunities to change your life.

Focusing on what you don’t have brings with it resentment, anger, and frustration. Scarcity-based attitudes come from being exposed to such a mindset about money, prosperity, richness, and value as a child. This outlook made an imprint upon your subconscious.

Next week, I’ll talk about ways to change these imprints, but the most important and first thing to do is to change your attitude.

What you think about, you receive. Make an honest list of your attitudes about richness and prosperity and openly ask yourself about one thing that has been troubling you. Think of something you want. Then, think of all the possibilities for achieving what you want.

Compare that to this approach: Here’s what I don’t have. Here are all the reasons why I don’t have it.

How do you feel in each scenario –focusing on how to achieve what you want vs. focusing on what you don’t have and why? Which attitude makes you feel better? Which do you think will have you behaving in more productive, successful ways?

I get it – we all come across stumbling blocks in our attitudes. But you have a choice, always, as to how you feel about it. When you determine your self-worth by how much you have, you will always feel you are lacking. When you look at life as a series of possibilities instead of obstacles, you’ll find clearer sailing into a life of richness and prosperity.

How to dance in the rich gold dust of the holidays

2014 Year of Endless PossibilitiesGold dust? It’s not what you think. I’m obviously not talking about the excessive gifts, commercialism, or holiday glitz.  I’m talking about the rich gold of the abundance of good in your life.  A richness in satisfaction. A wealth of things to be grateful for.

Honestly, it’s a little hard to write about something when the words I have to use have become clichéd to the point where we glaze over when we read them. Everyone is talking about abundance versus lack. So, let’s take it a step deeper. I want you to go beyond the simple journaling about all that you are grateful for, thinking abundant thoughts – both hugely important to staying in the vibration of creating more things to be grateful for.  I want to talk about how to step into the abundance.  (And I’m going to get a little woowoo on you here.)

Of course, it begins in the mind, one of the greatest tools we have to work with.  Everything that has been invented, from the light bulb to the iPad, was first conceived in the mind.  I hope you have some goals in your mind. If you don’t, you should, because if you can conceive of it, you can create it, just like the light bulb or iPad. But first, you have to formulate the idea in your mind.

So, as you are moving through the holiday season, and doing some planning for 2014, let’s talk about how ideas come to fruition and how to grab some of that “gold dust” and make it a reality.

This “gold dust” that I’m talking about is really the etheric, spiritual, energetic field of the source of our lives. It precedes us into situations, and acts like a magnet for the things we are thinking about. It is the energy of “more life” and what we have to be grateful for.

Look at it this way: since everything created first began as an idea, where do you think the idea came from? When you tap into source, you are stepping into that “gold dust” of the spirit, where things are first created.

A great way to access that concept is to think of it as unseen gold dust particles that swirl around you and throughout the world. They have a charge to them. So do your thoughts. Imagine you could polarize these particles with your thoughts. Can you picture the gold dust swirling and forming into something a bit more concrete?

You can also do this when you sit down to plan your 2014 goals. Imagine yourself being in this gold energy of success. Picture yourself being the person you need to be to accomplish these tasks. Imagine it being actionable but with as little effort as possible. See yourself accomplishing each task as you move through your planning.

This is the natural time to focus on the upcoming year.  Filled with great hopes, we can choose to see a golden vision for our future. But, I also want to acknowledge that there’s also a lot of emotion that comes up during this time of year – we miss people, get annoyed by family members, feel disappointed when things don’t match expectations. But, there’s also an energy of hopefulness and that is what we need to tap into and focus on in order to stay in the gold-dust-of-creation mode.

Guilt or conflict about whether you should be prosperous neutralizes your efforts to become prosperous, so let’s leave that out of it, okay? Bye bye guilt and conflict!

Here are some “gold dust” strategies for planning 2014:

  1. Light a candle. As you do, set the intention for 2014 and visualize your goals clearly.
  2. Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting in a swirling mist of gold dust all around you.
  3. Look for things to be grateful for in your life and feel how good that feels. Come up with as many of these “gold” feelings of gratitude for every detail you can.
  4. With all of this good feeling, realize that the gold dust is growing and thickening into a more and more beautiful creation.
  5. Just begin to let your visions for 2014 be formed in the gold dust. What does it look like for you next year? What will be your lightning rod moments? Who is with you? What have you created? Really spend some time sitting with this.
  6. Start writing down your goals by the month – at least one per month. Then, create an overview goal for the year. (See last week’s posting)
  7. Just sit with this for awhile, basking in how great it will feel when you accomplish these golden goals.
  8. Write more details around each month’s goal(s) as desired.
  9. Reflect often on your goals. You can do this anywhere, anytime.  Sitting in a snowed in airport, waiting in holiday shopping lines, or in the shower.
  10. When you feel yourself waiver, reinvigorate your vision by tapping into that gold dust feeling again.

Ask yourself all the while, “who do I need to be to accomplish these goals?” – and BE that person as you take action on them. Don’t “work toward them” – behave as if they are a certainty. They are happening. Act and think  “from” that vision of your desire.

You’re merely carrying out your version of the iPad invention that came to your gold- dust mind.


Going Inside for 2014—A Winter Solstice “How-to”

WinterDecember 21st brings the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and also  a kind of fulcrum, called a point of highest culmination, on which an important, natural shift happens as we  head into longer days moving toward spring.

This idea of “point of highest culmination” can be described through the concept of yin and yang. In Chinese medicine, we see everything in life as a continuum of yin and yang – the light moving toward dark, and the dark toward light. It is a cycle, like everything in our world. This day is a pinnacle, the highest point of culmination, and a shift begins to happen as we move toward more light.

Think of a ball that is pushed up to the top of a mountain. When it gets to the top, momentum moves it down the other side of the hill. As the ball rolls down the mountainside, its momentum will move it partway up the next hill. This constant shifting – in this case between the momentum of the ball speeding down and its movement back up again –is like the shift from yin to yang, and yang to yin.

So what do we do with this type of “energy?” This is the perfect time to go into the “darkness” or seek your answers within. Darkness is not bad. It is simply dark. It is the opposite of light and part of the law of polarity — everything has an equal and exact opposite. The dark is the inward yin that balances the outward yang of light.

We go inside seeking our own true knowing – for we all carry that thread that connects us to each other, and to the divine.  If you are connected to the divine, then you have the wisdom you need inside of you. But, because we’ve been trained from birth to look outside of ourselves for information and learning (and of course, we do need that, too), we stop trusting our own knowing.

Here’s a great ritual to dive deeply into your own inner wisdom to set you up for the next phase of movement, forward into 2014. What’s cool about this is – you don’t need to make this into a performance piece, or worry if you’re doing it right. It’s just an exploration. Trust yourself. You’ll figure it out!

  • Light a candle. Get quiet. Close your eyes.
  • Take a few deep breaths in and out focusing only on your breath, until you feel your body begin to relax and unwind.
  • Ask yourself the following question (it’s coming!) without needing to know the answer. That is the trick – just ask it, stay quiet and watch, like you’re waiting for a movie to start. Let the answers start to float forward. They might come in pictures, in words, in sensations, without words.
  • This exploration within might take you a minute, or 15; it doesn’t matter. Just sit with it, and let the answers bubble to the surface, trusting you know what those are – or at least some of them.
  • Here’s your question: What do I need to know right now?
  • Just watch that question go deep into your place of knowing. (You don’t even need to know what that means, because it might be different for every one of us). Let it continue to develop. If strange concepts or words come up, just let them. You’re just observing, not engaged. Don’t try to figure it out…just be with it.
  • When you feel you are complete (whatever that feels like to you, you’ll know) open your eyes.
  • Walk over to your desk or writing table, and begin writing about what came up for you. Write until you feel as if you have an understanding or feel complete.
  • If you’d like to take this further as you plan your 2014, continue, and answer the following:
    • While we understand that all in the universe is designed for more life, no matter if it’s seemingly destructive (think compost): What in 2013 worked or do you see as good? Make a list.
    • What in 2013 did not work out as you’d intended or wanted?
    • What lessons did you learn?
    • What, based on what you remember and “got” in your meditation, and what you learned in these questions, will be your main focus for 2014? It could be a phrase or a word. This is going to be my year of ________________.

When you do an exercise like this, it’s pretty fascinating what comes up. Then, when you have your word or phrase, you have something to apply to every decision you need to make in 2014. Will this bring me closer to my goal during this year of  __________ ? It should be a pretty clear yes or no answer most of the time!

Enjoy the process and share it with your friends and colleagues. They might be quite appreciative!

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Embrace Your Optimal Health


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