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Environment is Everything

It has been interesting weather these last two weeks in Italy. It has rained nearly every day since we got here. The temperature has ranged from 83 in Rome one day, to the 50s here in Umbria, and cooler at night. Today, it is clear, but windy. It feels almost fall-like, instead of like spring. It is crisp and cool, and the fireplace is going.

To get to our home, we have to cross a river. There is a bridge that the owners assure us has been checked out by an engineer. On the other hand, the gardener tells us he would not attempt it! So we cross the water without benefit of bridge, pretty much like everyone else. The water level is usually quite low, just a few inches of tire running through water. But, with all of this rain, we have literally been housebound. The water is higher, but it’s really the boulders that roll into the stream that make it impassable. I’m not up for that kind of a challenge, so we’ll wait until they clear the boulders from the riverbed to cross over.

The bridge they think we can drive our car over.
The bridge they think we can drive our car over.


The river we must cross to get to our home in Italy.

Rather than get annoyed or frustrated, being stuck here (not a bad place to be stuck) gives me the opportunity to pause. Not feeling the urge to go see and do, I sit and write. I listen to music. I have another cappuccino and think.  One thing this pause makes me realize is how important it is to get out of our own environment sometimes.  I am so grateful to have this time in Italy, in a beautiful villa, with an expansive view. The sky is so important to feel the reach of bigger things—one of the reasons I love walking up the mountain next to my house back home. The sky clears my head, opens me to higher and bigger possibilities. Inspires me.

What in the environment of your life needs to be changed? Do you need to clean off your desk, purge your closets? Do you need to open the windows and bring in fresh air? What in your environment reminds you of lack—in other words, of not having the success in your life that you want? Changing your environment is hugely important because what you see every single day may reinforce the energy of  lack, disorganization or failure in your mind.  An untended environment keeps you stuck.

Now, I’m not saying that you have to travel to Italy! While traveling out of your environment gives you a fresh perspective and is very helpful, I want you to see that you need to change what bugs you when you look around. Or, what you ignore and pretend isn’t bugging you! (Red flag!) Ask yourself: “What am I tolerating in my physical and emotional environment that needs clearing out?”

The things you are tolerating in your environment are like boulders that block the river you want to cross. You have to clear them away before you can move forward.

Once you’ve cleaned out an area that needs improvement or fresh life, there are different ways to “clear the space” of the negative or heavy energy that hangs there, like a residual film left behind. Research is proving that the space between the things you see is actually filled with microscopic particles or motion. This is not a scientific paper, so I won’t cite studies for the next three pages. You’ll just have to trust me: there is more there in the space around you than meets the eye!

Here are some tips for physically cleansing and clearing your space:

  • Obviously, clean it up. Clear out what you don’t need. Organize your “stuff”. (This is something I struggle with!) When you do this, you will notice yourself more relaxed in your environment.
  • Burn sage and move around your space with it. Let the smoke drift into corners. Make sure to hold it while “outlining” doorways and windows. Let the sage reach out to cleanse the spaces between the things.  “Heavy” energy tends to collect in spaces where air does not circulate, especially in corners.
  • Along those lines, using sound also clears space. Ringing bells, using singing bowls, or even clapping hands into corners literally moves the dead energy out of your space.
  • Vacuum! There are countless miniscule particles lying in corners, on windowsills, in rugs, and those particles attract more particles. Dust literally breeds dust. Regular vacuuming can also clear your space.
  • When you’re done, light a candle and bless the rooms you are in. Set an intention. It’s a simple, easy mind shift to get you into a different “space“— internally and externally.

Pick one room or space to start on. Then move on to the next. You’ll be able to breathe better, physically and psychologically!

Next week, we’ll talk about toxic relationships!


Today I start observing and then take action on clearing my physical space of objects and disorganization that do not serve my attitude of abundance. I clear my space to allow an opening for more success to flow into my life.


Umbria, 2

Umbria, Day 2

Thunderstorms visited off and on through the night, alternating with birdsong, which I found odd. Usually the birds are asleep at night and sing with the dawn. These birds rang on throughout the evening. It was really quite lovely.


Another late sleep in (nearly 9am!) and the day started easily with Jerry, and I enjoying our espresso, watching the rain lightly dance on the lawn. We talked of the plans for the day. Me: yoga, a walk, writing and working. Jerry: going into Todi to find all the local produtti artiginale – to prepare for tonight’s dinner. Neither of us were much worried about the rain because, as Jerry pointed out, it was perfect weather for porcini! I was just loving the quietness.

Up I went to do my yoga (you’ll see the picture of my view from the yoga mat in our bedroom) It was heartening (no pun intended) to stand in front of the armoir during sun salutations and see this lovely heart hanging from the key. It then dawned on me. There were hearts all over the house! (I am sharing a few pictures with you here.) I found that confirmation of the theme of the month: love.

Sweet expressions of love for this house are everywhere. In the soaps placed perfectly in the soapdishes, the candles filling every room.  We are surrounded by things to love!

The gardens here are done with inordinate amounts of the love! You can see why the villa was originally named villa rosa!


Umbria, Day 1

Umbria, Day 1

(There was a delay in postings for several reasons: 1. tech issues 2. the time it takes to upload pics onto the blog from my villa 3: a lot of stormy nights 4: too much fun! I decided I’m only doing what feels comfortable, and what I want to do! So it’s coming in slower than expected, but enjoy!!)

After waking a bit late (8:00 am), Jerry and I left the room to stop for a quick cappuccino on the way to our walk through the Borghese Gardens. We stopped along the way to take pictures of the amazing women’s and men’s shoes, gloves, ties and shirts! I love the colors, the enthusiasm, the enjoyment of dressing.


The gardens remind me so much of central park, but the trees seem much older. I stand enthralled, looking up at these magestic trees that seem as tall as the California redwoods. As we stroll, I’m reminded of the blending of old and new that is Roma, for example, the orange metro station contrasting with the ancient walls of the city.  Turning back, we stroll to our hotel where again, the polizie and carabinieri hang in the lobby, their cars filling the parking area. Obviously, yet another political figure or illuminati is there.


I posted this on facebook yesterday: ”As we arrived back at the hotel late this afternoon, Caribinieri and lots of Italian men in blue suits were everywhere.. We had to pause to let the President of Lebanon out of our elevator, guarded simply by one man next to him. A man entering the elevator with us, suitcase in hand, held his hand to his heart, smiling graciously at the President. We watched as the man shook the President’s hand. On the elevator, the man said, in English, “He is my President.” He was clearly moved. Amazing that this man happened to be walking by him at just that moment, in Italy, entering the same elevator he stepped out of. It was a sweet moment.”

These are the amazing, inspired moments that happen while traveling. Today, we notice the license plate of a Maserati! from Liberia! I have no idea what goes on in this hotel, but clearly, politics plays a big role. Here we are out strolling, drinking capuccinos, taking pictures, and back at the ranch, deals are being made, the likes of which we have no idea!

Before we know it,  we are ensconced in our taxi, with a driver who is taking us to Fiumicino to pick up our car. He is very jocular and talkative and his cell phone is ringing every few minutes. It never ceases to amaze me the way these Italian taxi drivers can talk on the phone, look behind them all while driving forward and carrying on a conversation with us – and dealing with traffic in Rome!

We grab our car, and head north toward Umbria. As we leave Rome, the countryside grows greener, more picturesque. We stop in the town of Montecastello dei Vibio, supposedly, the larger town nearest where we will be staying in Fratta Todino. It is Saturday afternoon, so of course, everything is closed as everyone is home having lunch. As we walk this medieval city, we are amazed at its beauty, cleanliness and peace. It is absolutely stunning! Staring at the views, we are awestruck- literally about 240 degrees. Pictures don’t begin to do it justice.

Wiggling our way through the countryside, we find Fratta Todina, another medieval walled city, except half the size (which is not saying much!) Again, we are touched by the beauty, the simplicity, the sweetness of the older women who direct us to the local market.  “Sera” to everyone we meet, and vice versa. We find the butcher woman, who tells us she makes her own soprassata (which is DIVINE!) and convinces us to buy her amazing Pecorino (which she, too, samples) – and we are blown away.


We head to the villa, pausing to let someone driving quickly behind us go by us as we try to wend our way through dirt roads. We have to literally drive over the low river to our new home for the month. Upon arrival, we find nirvana – This villa, which was previously named “Villa Rosa” but which has been renamed “Villa dolce vita” – is stunning.

We dive in, head first, and “La Villa dolce vita” swallows us whole, and we are glad.

The first thing we notice are the white seed pods floating through the air. The owner apologizes for them, but we find them positively enchanting! It is like summer snow ~ Turns out they are cottonwood trees that send off seed for about 4 days in early summer. I find them mesmerizing, as they collect in the corners of the patio, float with the breeze amongst the trees and planters. More joy upon us!


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