The Law of Transmutation states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is in a state of perpetual transmutation (changing from one state to another). In Chinese medicine, we call this the cycles of yin and yang. Day turns into night, and night into day.
Along those lines, the universe is always seeking more life. If you watch how trees or flowers grow, die and become compost or how water moves and wears down rock, you will see that law in action.
When you plant an acorn in the ground, it is compelled to grow into a mature oak tree. It is its destiny and purpose. However, it it is not nurtured or in a hospitable environment, it will not survive for long or be the best tree it has the potential to be. But it doesn’t just go away. It breaks down into material that can create more life.
Nothing stays truly still. Even when it looks like it is. It is either growing or dying. The purpose of the universe is more life. Inherent in every plant is a way to produce and create more of itself: seeds, pits, roots.
How does this apply to us? Take a portion of your life – your business, a relationship, your personal growth. Ask yourself honestly, where am I growing and where am I dying? Are you moving toward improvement in your business or career? Or are you resenting it, afraid to move forward or not even paying attention to it? Just like most trees will exist in a marginal environment, your career might survive but will not thrive if not in an ideal setting. Sure, we can make a little more money (or not) or stay together until the kids leave. That is a marginally hospitable environment for our souls and psyches.
So if you want more life, it is time to ask yourself where in your life you are allowing decay and where are you moving toward “more life?” In your home environment what needs to be tended to? Do you have unopened boxes or bags of junk all over the house, in corners? Do you no longer notice them? Are your bedroom sheets so old that they’re becoming threadbare? That creates an energy of decay. Look around. What in your environment does not support the concept of “more life?” You know that feeling when you clean in the corners of your bedroom, empty the boxes and open the windows? That is the energy of more life. Bring some of that in.
The same goes for your relationships. If your relationship feels like it’s just existing, how can you make it better? Where is there a need for more communication? What issues are unspoken? How about with your kids? Are you busy getting them to and fro and not stopping to invest in the relationship? It’s so easy and understandable to get bogged down in the minutae of daily life. But it is in the pause of looking, assessing and involving yourself in the idea of more life that the real personal growth and depth of connection reveals itself.
In any situation where you feel stuck, ask yourself: am I moving toward more life or decay in this situation? If it is something you want to nurture, in what ways can you do that? What conversations need to be had, what assessment needs to be made in your business? Where are you leaking energy or money and why?
Sometimes it’s time to pull the dying plant out of the garden and replace it with something new, something that will move everyone involved toward more life? What in your life needs to be pulled, cleaned, repurposed, replaced or tended to in order to create the energy of more life?
Remember, how you do anything is how you do everything. If there’s a decaying situation in one area of your life, there’s a very good chance that bleeds into the other areas of your life. You are holding the seeds of growth in your heart and hands. If you don’t put them in the soil and nurture them, they will not grow.
Choose more life. Choose to be the catalyst for growth in your life.
Instead of spending the money you spend to help you escape your daily life, or recover from it, they’re actually investing 3K to build a life they never want to escape, a life they’d never feel the need to get relief from. This is an opportunity to get what you need to create a life that is luxurious every day, so fulfilling every day, there is no need to spend money in order to feel better for not having. Spending money b/c it gives us a little bit of relief from what we’re not getting in our life.
If they think of the amount of money they do spend in that way, dinner, theater tickets, night in a hotel. They got a little escape, but I’m talking about getting back into a life that lights them up in a whole new way.