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Are You Growing or Decaying?

plantingThe Law of Transmutation states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is in a state of perpetual transmutation (changing from one state to another). In Chinese medicine, we call this the cycles of yin and yang.  Day turns into night, and night into day.

Along those lines, the universe is always seeking more life. If you watch how trees or flowers grow, die and become compost or how water moves and wears down rock, you will see that law in action.

When you plant an acorn in the ground, it is compelled to grow into a mature oak tree. It is its destiny and purpose. However, it it is not nurtured or in a hospitable environment, it will not survive for long or be the best tree it has the potential to be. But it doesn’t just go away. It breaks down into material that can create more life.

Nothing stays truly still. Even when it looks like it is. It is either growing or dying.  The purpose of the universe is more life. Inherent in every plant is a way to produce and create more of itself: seeds, pits, roots.

How does this apply to us? Take a portion of your life – your business, a relationship, your personal growth. Ask yourself honestly, where am I growing and where am I dying? Are you moving toward improvement in your business or career? Or are you resenting it, afraid to move forward or not even paying attention to it? Just like most trees will exist in a marginal environment, your career might survive but will not thrive if not in an ideal setting. Sure, we can make a little more money (or not) or stay together until the kids leave. That is a marginally hospitable environment for our souls and psyches.

So if you want more life, it is time to ask yourself where in your life you are allowing decay and where are you moving toward “more life?” In your home environment what needs to be tended to? Do you have unopened boxes or bags of junk all over the house, in corners? Do you no longer notice them? Are your bedroom sheets so old that they’re becoming threadbare? That creates an energy of decay.  Look around. What in your environment does not support the concept of “more life?”  You know that feeling when you clean in the corners of your bedroom, empty the boxes and open the windows? That is the energy of more life. Bring some of that in.

The same goes for your relationships. If your relationship feels like it’s just existing, how can you make it better? Where is there a need for more communication? What issues are unspoken? How about with your kids? Are you busy getting them to and fro and not stopping to invest in the relationship? It’s so easy and understandable to get bogged down in the minutae of daily life. But it is in the pause of looking, assessing and involving yourself in the idea of more life that the real personal growth and depth of connection reveals itself.

In any situation where you feel stuck, ask yourself: am I moving toward more life or decay in this situation? If it is something you want to nurture, in what ways can you do that?  What conversations need to be had, what assessment needs to be made in your business? Where are you leaking energy or money and why?

Sometimes it’s time to pull the dying plant out of the garden and replace it with something new, something that will move everyone involved toward more life? What in your life needs to be pulled, cleaned, repurposed, replaced or tended to in order to create the energy of more life?

Remember, how you do anything is how you do everything. If there’s a decaying situation in one area of your life, there’s a very good chance that bleeds into the other areas of your life. You are holding the seeds of growth in your heart and hands. If you don’t put them in the soil and nurture them, they will not grow.

Choose more life. Choose to be the catalyst for growth in your life.

Instead of spending the money you spend to help you escape your daily life, or recover from it, they’re actually investing 3K to build a life they never want to escape, a life they’d never feel the need to get relief from.  This is an opportunity to get what you need to create a life that is luxurious every day, so fulfilling every day, there is no need to spend money in order to feel better for not having. Spending money b/c it gives us a little bit of relief from what we’re not getting in our life.

If they think of the amount of money they do spend in that way,  dinner, theater tickets, night in a hotel. They got a little escape, but I’m talking about getting back into a life that lights them up in a whole new way.



How to Succeed: Step by Step

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1. Realize you have the power to choose. You can choose how to think, how to feel and how to act.  (Yes, you can!) The way you think determines where you end up. Pay attention to your thinking! Don’t allow yourself the luxury of negative thoughts – they only serve to keep you small.

2. Understand  abundance. The concept of abundance must be everywhere in your life.  Look at nature for examples: nature (and the universe) is always doing one of two things: growing or decaying. Ask yourself where you’d like to focus. If you’re not moving forward and growing, what are you doing?

3. Be conscious of where you are at any moment. Honestly. If you don’t know where you are, how can you know where to start from and how to get where you want to go? Along those lines, also be highly conscious of where you want to go and why!  When you are clear on where you’re going you will a) be able to plug that into your personal internal GPA system and b) be able to redirect as needed when you are off course.

4. Love where you are. Once you have a clear understanding of where you are, appreciate and see it for what it is (without judgment!). Love what you are learning, how far you’ve come and the fact that this moment gives you an opportunity for further growth. When you resist where you are, you create a whole host of negativity and are simply creating more of what you don’t want. Also, if you don’t know where you are, it’s hard to get back on the path to your goals.

5. To make a change, focus on the cause not the effect.  And then, do something different! Often, we focus on what’s wrong. For instance, an effect might be: “I don’t have enough money” – instead of what caused the effect, i.e., what led to your not having enough money. When you change the cause you will naturally change the effect.

6. Don’t wait for someone to save you or to do it for you! You are the one in charge of your life, so step into that and know that you are creating where you are and where you are going. Waiting for someone to save you disempowers you. Blaming someone for where you are is just as bad, if not worse. The time to act is NOW.

7. Want it badly enough to do something different.  Get out of your comfort zone and become comfortable with being uncomfortable. If you’re not uncomfortable (to a certain extent) you’re not growing.  There’s a saying that if you want something different, you have to do something different. Are you doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

8. Forget about playing it safe. My mentor, David Neagle, says, “Most people tiptoe through life only to make it safely to death” which means they end up not really fully living. Playing it safe comes from your fears, which come from the thoughts you tell yourself over and over again. It’s not about being safe, it’s about being alive and stepping into who you are meant to be.  That puts you in the flow.

9. Understand that your false subconscious (and limiting) belief system undermines you. Not the government, not your ex, not your family, not your kids and not the socio-economic group you were born into. Those are all excuses. It’s time to get real with your excuses and the limiting belief system you’re operating under. That is the only way to let it go and change that paradigm.

10. Realize that money is just energy. Seriously. Where we get stuck with this is in what we attach to money: For example, you might think you derive your value from making money, or that you’re inferior for not. This, by the way, is part of your false belief system and can be one insidious sucker to unwind.

11. Continually develop and build your trust and faith no matter what shows up in front of you. You must have complete faith in your dream. Know that if you could imagine it, you have the means to achieve it. Your faith will open doors you never knew existed, and bring opportunities forward. Increase your expectations – and trust that they will occur. Give yourself permission to accept the dreams that are in your heart.

12. Connect to some sort of spirituality – whatever wordless creative power you believe in. This will serve you during the difficult times, and help you keep the faith.  Sometimes you just have to let go and let god.

13.  Remember that your achievement and thinking tend to match the achievement and thinking of your five closest friends. Take an honest appraisal of who you are hanging out with. Are these people positive or negative. In other words, do they raise you up or bring you down?

14. Be the master of your life and business – not a slave. Don’t let your life or business run you. Take the reins and be proactive instead of reactive.

15. Get sleep! No one can be a visionary, see around corners or function at a high level when poorly rested. Sleep gives you the energy to stay in a positive mindset and pay attention to opportunities. You are also much more efficient when you’re well rested.

16. See failure for what it is. In fact, there is no such thing as failure. Remember what Edison said: that failure is really just a step closer to that new invention, aka your dreams and goals.  All things can help us grow if we choose to see them as learning experiences.

17. Let go of needing to know “how” your dream will manifest. You only need to know your own personal why of your dream. Trust that all is lining up for you perfectly. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be in charge of your life or your business, but when you try to micromanage,  you don’t allow for other possibilities to present themselves. Or, you simply won’t see them. Wallace Wattles points out that desire is simply the underlying urge of spirit seeking fuller expression.

18. Remember fear and worrying are like praying for what you don’t want. And why wouldn’t they be? Fears are a bunch of thoughts you say over and over again to yourself. But they only hold meaning and power only if you give it to them. Look fears directly in the eye, and decide to act anyway. The most profound changes happen when you take action in spite of your fears.  When you do something you’ve never done, there certainly is a respectable amount of fear that goes along with that. Look at your fear and do what you fear anyway.

19. Know that no one is too small to be effective or powerful. I once heard Arianna Huffington say, “If you believe that, look at a mosquito.” Enough said.

20. Love. Love with such depth, breadth and abandon that it takes your breath away and makes your soul flutter. When you recognize (really recognize) this in others, too, you begin to see that we are all connected and what you want is already there. Life really can become a great big love-fest. Besides, it’s about giving, not getting. The getting is inevitable when you approach life that way.

Perfectionism is Really Fear in Disguise

Fear3Here’s something I’d like you to learn: Everyone is scared.

They’re scared of something. Sometimes we feel like we have to know everything and know it perfectly before we let the world see it. The painting has to be perfect, the website has to be exemplary, the business concept has to be 100% flawless. And by the way, many also believe that we have to simultaneously be cover-girl beautiful (on some level) and as fit as an athlete or we don’t have our picture taken or shoot videos for our websites or even family.

Sometimes we’re scared of our boss, the guy or gal not loving us, the piece of writing being a flop.

Fears are really just stories we tell ourselves about future events that will befall us. We believe them and act as if they’re true. The absolute majority of times these fears will not materialize.

It’s normal to have the fears, but when it stops you from living, from being all you can be, then that’s gotta stop, sisters! We can’t keep hiding behind the guise of perfection.  We can’t not travel because we’re afraid something will happen at home, can’t sit behind our computers hiding our genius, and we can’t stay home because we’re afraid of getting hurt again by a lover.

When you accept that everything already IS perfect, it becomes much easier to step out in the ways we’d been afraid of.  I like to look at it this way: if we didn’t have struggles, we’d never grow!

I get it. I’m terrified sometimes. I put myself out there and sometimes get nasty emails from people (not often, but it has happened). The bigger my platform grows, the more opportunity for people to disagree. I have decided that that is okay! Because otherwise, I’d stay home hiding behind my computer.

Here’s another thing I’ve learned: what matters to me is that I’m doing my best, am kind and good, helping people with my work and connected to my god. Caring what everyone else thinks about me is, frankly, exhausting.

Do I fall into it? Of course! Was I a little embarrassed when the delivery guy showed up the other day at 4pm and I was still in my lounge pants because I’d been writing all day? A tiny bit. But years ago, it would have been worse.

Each time you take a leap, here’s what to do:

  • ask yourself why you are afraid. Really dig into it. It’s important to acknowledge it and not repress it
  • decide to do something a little brave, more daring and make it a little uncomfortable. If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not changing.
  • once you begin acting, let your subconscious know that you are doing something different. Be very aware of why you are doing this.
  • as I say to my clients, put your helmet on and do it anyway.

It’s only through repetition—doing that uncomfortable thing over and over—that you get used to it and it becomes your new default – instead of the fear. That’s how you break through fears!

Want to learn more about it? Give me a shout!


Today I will do something that pushes me to do something I fear. That is how I will grow.

I remember that fear is simply False Evidence Appearing Real.


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