
Your Dream Career

Photo: Natalia Maximova/iStockphoto
Photo: Natalia Maximova/iStockphoto

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Listen to your dreams. They are smarter than you are?” It’s true.

The universe/creator/spirit has so much more in store for us than we can ever realize. The dreams we are conscious of may well be big, sure. But spirit’s dreams for us are even lovelier, probably bigger and full of surprises we’ve never imagined. In other words, we’re limited by our own subconscious beliefs about what is possible.

Many shamans believe that we dream our life into reality. That concept can be interpreted many ways, of course. But I would like to talk about how we can take our career (or life) dreams and make them reality.

What you focus on creates your reality because thoughts have energy, vibrate and create a magnetic attraction in the physical world. When you focus on the frustration that is your job or lack thereof, you continue with more of the same.

I know a guy who absolutely hates his job. He complains about it constantly. He feels undervalued, underpaid and is just plain miserable. Yet, he continues to talk about how he’s “too old to change anything.” He says: “No one will hire me at my age and salary.” So he stays there, so miserable that he has begun developing physical ailments and a pretty consistent Sunday migraine anticipating work on Monday.

That, my friends, is no way to live.

I used to have a job I hated so much that I would get sick almost every Sunday evening. I hated it so much, I would literally call in “bored” (easier when your friend was the person calling in to :-).) I was very young and thought it was something I needed to do to get myself through college. I simply knew no other way than the working class mentality I grew up in of laboring slavishly for an hourly wage.

The idea that you have to work hard all week at a job you hate just to enjoy life only on the weekends and two weeks of vacation per year is totally unacceptable. I did it for years, I promise you. I get it.

If I am pushing buttons in people, I’m not sorry! I am hoping to. The idea that there is honor in suffering is bogus. Suffering ought not be a point of pride, but recognized for what it is: a life not fully fleshed out. If you work the typical schedule (and most people work a LOT more than that – especially if you own your own business!) that is 2000+ hours per year you are miserable. Not okay at all.

Here’s the deal. I have done a lot of jobs I didn’t like. When I was very young, as I said, I didn’t know any other way. As I progressed in my understanding of the divine within, my inner power, I realized that the divine did not put me on this earth to be miserable, but to be the fullest expression of myself. Were there times that I had to do things that weren’t my favorite thing to do? Of course. There still are. But my attitude is so different now. I don’t go into it hating it, resenting it, feeling miserable.

Instead, now I see the jobs or tasks I dread as the things I am learning to be better at, or that I will delegate when it is appropriate and when I am able.

How do you change things? When was the last time you really thought about your ideal job or career? When was the last time you focused on that niggling feeling that you were destined for more? What do you really want to do? What is in your heart? What is the dream you want to dream into reality?

I believe that if you have the dream you DO have the ability to make it happen. There are logistical things you can do about finding the right job (all of which are a Google search away) but I ‘m talking about what Martha Beck calls “WIGs” – aka wildly improbable goals. She believes you can’t really set those goals but that they’re there for you to witness, leaping out from unexpected places and sometimes at unexpected times.

You have dreams in your heart and soul. You can help them come true by:

  • Taking excellent care of yourself, body & soul. (For those of you who haven’t read my ebook, The Four Pillars, I recommend it, as it will help with this very thing.)
  • Taking the time to write down those dreams you might think are impossible. Writing them down imprints them on a deeper level, makes you more conscious of them, and also sets the universe on notice that you’re ready: “Bring it on, universe!”
  • Watching for opportunities to fulfill your goals. knowing that taking advantage of them may be hard work. It is your approach that matters. I work many hours a day, but I love my work. When you love your work, it doesn’t feel like work.Especially when you’re working toward your dream.
  • Recognizing why you have this goal. There IS something inside of you that needs and desires to be expressed. Don’t shut it down. It’s part intuition, part predicting the future, part divine inspiration.
  • Saying YES more than no! Move on the action steps toward achieving your goal. Don’t ignore any opportunity, which remember, is sometimes disguised as a misfortune.
  • Becoming wildly optimistic that your dreams exist for a reason. Your enthusiasm and positive thinking, coupled with your awareness and action is KEY.

So, the dreams of doing what you love are real. If they haven’t expressed themselves fully, it is because you are either afraid, don’t recognize them or not trusting them or yourself. Take a look inside. Take a look around. I guarantee you that there are opportunities in your life right now that you are not taking advantage of. Live your dream. Live your dream job. It is there for you for your own personal growth and development.

Besides, the world needs you to step into it. We’ve been waiting. Your time is now.

Affirmation of the Week:

Today I open my eyes and see the opportunities in front of me. I commit to taking steps toward my dream career/job/life. I say yes more than no. I believe in my biggest dream.


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