
What IS Faith

There is a creative power in the universe – whatever you want to call it: God, Goddess, universe, creator, spirit. It is something bigger than you. The difference between achieving your goals, your dreams or having something work out just the way you want it to, is a matter of knowing that it will—for the highest good, in the perfect time.

That sounds like a lot of woowoo words, I know. But the truth is, faith is the only answer to fear, concerns, lack of trust and self-doubt. Faith in what? Faith in the knowledge that you are here to be the fullest expression of all that you are.  This shows itself in various forms, whether it is to be present at the death of your dog in its own perfect timing or building your legacy through your career. It takes faith to ride through the times when your self-doubt creeps in and says, “What if?”

Living in What If Land is a recipe for an unexpressed life. You spend your time worrying about what others think, not trusting your instincts, thinking you have to know the “how” of its working out. “What ifs” separate you from spirit, build fear and create limitation.

Having to know “the how” overrides your faith, and limits your options. So, part of keeping the faith is giving up the need to know how, to over-control or micro-manage life. That doesn’t mean you don’t stay in charge of things in your life, like schedules, deadlines or being in a great mental and emotional state. It means that you do the best you can, and leave the rest to spirit.

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(Now don’t get me wrong, “do the best you can” is not an excuse for giving up. I don’t want anyone to give up and say, “Well, I did the best you could.” If you want something, have a dream which has not manifested, then you just haven’t figured out the path to get there yet. Using “doing the best you can” as an excuse is simply fear being disguised as an excuse for giving up. That’s different.)

For some, leaving it up to spirit can be a really tough thing to do. For others, it is only difficult when things kind of “tank” or get scary. When we are convinced that things will work out for the highest good of all, they tend to fall in line with what we can handle at the very least, and reaching our highest goals and living the life of our dreams at the very most.

I’m of the belief that we are never given more than we can handle, and we’re not given desires without the means to fulfill them. The trick is knowing that we don’t need to know the how or the perfect timing. We just need to trust and keep on keeping on, with joy and love in our hearts.

So, what happens when you muster the conviction, and something doesn’t go right? That’s the easiest time to lose your faith: you can’t pay the bills, you feel rejected, you’re met with a choice to do something that will help you move forward but which makes you incredibly uncomfortable. You must have faith that you are being presented an opportunity to grow. You attracted this circumstance to your life for a reason. You have to keep faith that you are attracting exactly what you need to grow in this very moment.

You have to have so much conviction in your faith, dreams and goals that you don’t get swayed from them, that when things go “wrong” you realize you’re just one step closer by knowing what doesn’t work and what does.

So have the confidence in your faith and in yourself that you will do the right thing, make the right choice. When it feels “wrong” it’s simply another lesson and another step to get you closer to your goal.

My mentor, David Neagle, says, “Success is faith expressed in action.” So what are you doing to move yourself closer to your success and where are you giving up the faith that you can be successful?

“Faith is when we are confident of what we hope for, convicted of what we do not see. It is the belief that you have the power to do all things.” Moffit in God Works Through Faith.

Weekly Affirmation:

I develop my faith more and more each day and realize faith is the answer to my fears, concerns and self-doubts. When I am afraid, I release my fears to the spirit and know it is handled. I continue to ask as if the thing is done.


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