
Do Something Different or Do Something Insane

Frustrated WomanI’m being a bit cheeky but you know what they say about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result….

You have a desire to change—it doesn’t matter what it is, but you know something has to give. The idea of going on with this same frustration is intolerable. Good. That’s when the change can be really powerful.

Or, you have a dream, a desire. You have been afraid to really step out and own it. You want to feel empowered, but you’re afraid. So you sit and stew over it, or you repress it and hope things will change. Not so good.

Both situations are ripe with potential—it’s the action piece that is missing. The key is that you don’t have to wait until it’s intolerable to do something different. However and honestly, being so frustrated that things need to change can do two things: it can shut you down or can motivate you to do something different.

The same goes with your dreams. You have to be motivated enough to do something different. Dreams don’t happen just because we wish they did. That’s the first step, of course.  But, when you increase your expectation that what you want WILL happen, you can make quantum leaps.

When something comes into your awareness, it is a gift. If you have reached a point where you’re so frustrated that you can’t stand it any longer, what good does it do to sit in that place? Sure, we want to. We want to indulge those pissed off feelings, those victimized thoughts of “why me?” But guess what?  There are a couple of things you need to do to create something different in your life.

  1. Become aware that you do want something different. Acknowledge it.
  2. Understand that if it’s coming into your awareness now, it’s time to act on it.
  3. Know that spirit doesn’t give you the idea without the means to achieve it. You’re ready, and you can do this!
  4. Give yourself permission to accept the desire that is in your heart. Really accept it.
  5. Get emotionally involved in the desire (for the goal/desire/dream). Emotions carry your desire into the far reaches of the universe and propel your desire with more force.  It’s like supersizing your dream. Spend some time really feeling what it would be like to achieve that.
  6. Then, let God/Spirit/Universe have it! Holding on to it, worrying about the details, etc. is actually coming from lack. It’s as if you’re not trusting that your goal/desire/quantum leap is actually possible, so you worry about it, manage it, wonder how it will happen, to the point where you’re essentially praying for what you don’t want. (The law of attraction in action.)
  7. Watch for the opportunities to show up. Your dream/change/goal doesn’t land (generally!) in your lap as a gift. No one rings your doorbell and says, “Here ya go. Dream delivered.” It shows up in the form of an opportunity. (Sometimes we don’t like it—like  having to give up an old behavior, but when you do, you teach your subconscious a big big lesson!)
  8. No matter what shows up in front of you, you must continue to trust and have faith that your goal/desire/change is coming to you NOW. Sometimes what we think is a negative showing up in our lives, is actually shaking things up and making room for your dream to happen.
  9.  Fears and doubts will only stop the momentum dead in its tracks. Acknowledge them, release them, then return to the trust. (It helps to reflect back on examples of how this has worked in your life previously, no matter how small the incident may have been.) Then tell the universe, “bring it on.” The game begins here. You can take whatever is thrown at you.
  10. God can only give you what you yourself put out. If you worry or succumb to fear, you resist the giving, not allowing it to enter your world.  You have to act boldly.
  11. My mentor points out that if you want to do something different, you have to BE something different. You have to act as if it is a given that what you desire is coming to you. Not in the future, it’s coming to you now.
  12. Go forward and do something you’ve never done before. Change from acting on the definition of insanity, and begin to act on the definitions of trust and faith.


Remember, the golden rule to achieving your desire is to do something different. You can’t expect a different result if you wallow in your emotions, stay stuck in fear, worry and anxiety or wait for someone to rescue you. Go out there and boldly stake your claim. What’s the worst thing that could happen? Besides, you are divine—you  have the capacity to do anything you desire. ~ Go for it!


Today, I will do something different and take another step toward my goal. I will do something that makes me uncomfortable. I know that my desire is coming to me now.


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