Let’s Fall in Love.
Let’s change the contours of our minds to be always in that place of “loving what is” to quote Byron Katie. What would happen if we continued moving along in our life, our work, our relationships, always from the place of knowing that what is is how it is supposed to be. We’d be loving life.
Sound too Pollyanna? Yeah, I know. But it’s actually very smart.
First of all, we got to where we are because of all of the decisions we have made, right? So, we can’t blame anyone else for where we are (much as we’d like to.)
“Where we are” provides us with the learning we need to take the next steps in growing…in achieving our hearts’ desires.
If we love where we are, we are creating from a place of love and gratitude. When that happens, we create more of what we love and are grateful for.
Make sense? See, it really is kind of simple.
Simple, but not always easy.
Here’s what inspired this post:
Yesterday, I had a crazy day. My old default position would be to blame everyone and everything in my life for causing this to happen: I have too many dogs to take care of, too many plates in the air, too many commitments (“Everyone wants something from me! Wah!”) I misplaced something (had a hot second of blaming the computer, but this one was really my fault!) – things went on in that direction.
Then I stopped. I asked for the learning. What was I doing to create this and what lesson did I need to learn?
I heard, “SLOW DOWN, Girlfriend!” In my enthusiasm to move my business forward, I took on too much. I was reaching a bit too hard, and not loving where I was.
In doing that, I had lost the sense of ease, of trust, of knowing that “what is IS how it’s supposed to be!” Now, don’t get me wrong…I don’t mean that “loving what is” means being apathetic. It doesn’t mean that sitting on the couch and waiting for things to happen for me is the answer. It means I was simply pushing too hard.
The underlying message in that was to breathe, trust, love, unwind the mind and step into that place of security that all is as it should be…and then be able to laugh at myself.
I had gotten here because of previously made decisions. There was no one to blame, not even myself. I had to love myself because I gave myself the lesson I needed to learn. There’s a good chance that lesson will present itself again, but each time, the awareness will come sooner, the changes and shifts quicker.
The more “white knuckling” we do in our life, the less we move forward. When we white knuckle, we’re telling the Universe that we do not trust it has the wisdom and a plan beyond our wildest dreams. It means we think our egos are what it’s all about. It means that we don’t trust abundance to come easily and effortlessly. When we tell the universe our deepest, subconscious beliefs, it listens. And I was telling it I didn’t trust it. And it showed me.
SO, I’ve stepped back into the “loving what is” place.
And as my gift to you (and in appreciation to the Universe) I’ve created some affirmations for you along these lines.
You’ll find them here:
http://soundcloud.com/healthybeing/love-affirmations) –
Consider it my love letter to you J.