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Let’s Fall in Love

Let’s Fall in Love.


Let’s change the contours of our minds to be always in that place of “loving what is” to quote Byron Katie. What would happen if we continued moving along in our life, our work, our relationships, always from the place of knowing that what is is how it is supposed to be.  We’d be loving life.

Sound too Pollyanna? Yeah, I know.  But it’s actually very smart.

First of all, we got to where we are because of all of the decisions we have made, right? So, we can’t blame anyone else for where we are (much as we’d like to.)

“Where we are” provides us with the learning we need to take the next steps in growing…in achieving our hearts’ desires.

If we love where we are, we are creating from a place of love and gratitude. When that happens, we create more of what we love and are grateful for.

Make sense? See, it really is kind of simple.

Simple, but not always easy.

Here’s what inspired this post:

Yesterday, I had a crazy day. My old default position would be to blame everyone and everything in my life for causing this to happen: I have too many dogs to take care of, too many plates in the air, too many commitments (“Everyone wants something from me! Wah!”) I misplaced something (had a hot second of blaming the computer, but this one was really my fault!) – things went on in that direction.

Then I stopped. I asked for the learning. What was I doing to create this and what lesson did I need to learn?

I heard, “SLOW DOWN, Girlfriend!” In my enthusiasm to move my business forward, I took on too much. I was reaching a bit too hard, and not loving where I was.

In doing that, I had lost the sense of ease, of trust, of knowing that “what is IS how it’s supposed to be!” Now, don’t get me wrong…I don’t mean that “loving what is” means being apathetic. It doesn’t mean that sitting on the couch and waiting for things to happen for me is the answer.  It means I was simply pushing too hard.

The underlying message in that was to breathe, trust, love, unwind the mind and step into that place of security that all is as it should be…and then be able to laugh at myself.

I had gotten here because of previously made decisions. There was no one to blame, not even myself. I had to love myself because I gave myself the lesson I needed to learn. There’s a good chance that lesson will present itself again, but each time, the awareness will come sooner, the changes and shifts quicker.

The more “white knuckling” we do in our life, the less we move forward. When we white knuckle, we’re telling the Universe that we do not trust it has the wisdom and a plan beyond our wildest dreams. It means we think our egos are what it’s all about. It means that we don’t trust abundance to come easily and effortlessly. When we tell the universe our deepest, subconscious beliefs, it listens. And I was telling it I didn’t trust it.  And it showed me.

SO, I’ve stepped back into the “loving what is” place.

And as my gift to you (and in appreciation to the Universe) I’ve created some affirmations for you along these lines.

You’ll find them here: –

Consider it my love letter to you J.



Are You Ready to Decide?

Is it just semantics, or is there really a difference between intentions, and decisions? Intentions are great. I highly recommend setting intentions for everything you do. In fact, I love the idea of writing what you want to have happen in great detail, then reverse engineering it – in other words, you create the steps you need in order to make that happen, with the assumption that it IS happening.

Here’s the problem with intentions, though. You have to make sure they’re not flimsy.  Meaning, they’re not simply wishes, but rather, you have no doubt this intention will come to fruition. In other words, you have made The Decision that this will happen. And you’re backing it up with your heart, mind and soul (or, mind, body and spirit.). To reverse engineer your intention, visualize what you want to have happen, even write it out, in great detail, engaging all of your senses. Wallow in that vision and let it wash all over you. Do this as often as you can, while still being able to get your work done during the day! It’s especially fun to go to bed fantasizingabout your visua

by erik johansson

lizations in great detail, and this will be the last thing you think about as you’re moving into sleep.

The visualization, decision and commitment are all telling your brain it needs to get in line to create this, and it’s putting the Universe on notice that you are very serious, and it should start shifting things around to make it happen. And your job is to KNOW it is happening. Know it, then move your feet, aka, ACT as if it’s happening.

Generally, it all comes into play in a certain order. First, you decide what you want to achieve, and you set the intention.  Then, you go into your full-blown visualization. THEN, you reverse engineer it by putting into play, all the necessary steps to have it happen!

I can’t wait to hear about all the glorious decisions you all come up with!

Let me know if I can be of any help!

Are You Telling Lies?

Did you know that we humans value the need for security above all else – including love? What that translates into is that we are predisposed to look for what is different, the things that might upset the apple cart. It means we are biologically programmed to hate change because change equals insecurity in our mammalian brains!

In some ways, that makes me feel better – to know there’s nothing wrong with me if I sometimes feel really uncomfortable when my world is about to change.  Sometimes we perceive even a small change as big .

I think the realization that we are predisposed to dislike change is comforting in that a) we’re normal and b) we can do something about it! It’s like knowing what’s wrong with your car so that you can “fix” it. If you don’t know what is causing all the push/pull, resistance or just plain internal freaking out, you start to doubt your own strength and skills – and look in all the wrong places for answers.

One place you may look for answers is within yourself. That’s a good place to look, but too often the loudest inner voice you hear comes from the part of you that is scared and anxious about the future.  That part of you, frankly, is a liar.

So, imagine what facing life’s major milestones does to us, things like divorce, career changes or even suddenly realizing you feel unmoored in life. Every one of our insecurity buttons gets pushed, and often, we feel a bit imprisoned by our fear or anxiety about the future and the pain or loss about what we’re “losing.”

Here’s one thing you can do to teach that inner liar a lesson! Ask yourself one question and answer it honestly: “How true is that belief REALLY?” How do you know that your biggest fears or the lies you tell yourself about yourself (that, for example, you’ll never meet anyone new, or that you’re not good enough to get that job) are true? You don’t. You’re just afraid of the change, and you talk to yourself in ways that really aren’t so nice.

Asking yourself to honestly assess the validity of your own negative thinking will help you create more of a balance, a Dao, in your thinking. You start to have a reality check to correct the imbalance created by the self-derision we all tend to fall prey to.

And lastly, change is uncomfortable. If it weren’t, we’d all be sitting next to the Dalai Lama. Lean into the discomfort and know it’s all good – it’s the beginning of your transformation. You know, the one you’ve been asking for? Don’t run away from it, okay?

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