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You ARE the creator of your life!

Before you read any further, I’d like you to write down the biggest issue that is creating the most anguish in your life right now.

No matter what you answered, I can almost guarantee where you’re going wrong: You’re focusing on the effect instead of the cause. Shifting your focus to “the cause” is the only way to alter “the effect.”

It’s time to plan the rest of your life…

There’s a universal law (like gravity) that says there is a natural cause and effect to everything.  So, if you want to know how the brick landed on the ground in front of you, it doesn’t make sense to stare at the brick to wait for it to explain itself. You have to look at what caused it to fall.

As you know, focusing on what you don’t have is a worrisome situation. And you know the old saying, “worrying is like praying for what you don’t want?” Well, it’s true. Focusing on the effect or what you’re worried about is actually creating more of the same for you.

I am not what happened to me

So, what’s the cause of the effect you’re so worried about?

It’s one of four things: It’s either your thoughts, belief system, habits or emotions. The best way to understand this is to do a few exercises.

Ask yourself:

  1. What negative or unhelpful thoughts am I having that are creating the effects I am experiencing. For example, “I can’t seem to make enough money.” “ I just don’t have enough time in the day.” When you focus on thoughts like that, you are really focusing on the effect. And remember, focusing on what you don’t want is creating more of what you don’t want! Instead, start to catch yourself when you’re having these kinds of thoughts. Say to yourself, “rewind” and instead, ask yourself, “What can I do differently that would change the effect of not having enough time or money, etc.”
  1. Are the habits you employ every day constructive (meaning they get you closer to your goal) or destructive (they keep you from your goal, like self-sabotage or not getting enough sleep?) Ask yourself how can you do things differently in order to get a different result? What new habits can you adopt or which should you drop in order to move closer to your goal? Some ideas might be: more sleep, exercise or better eating habits or calendaring and prioritizing your days. Changing one new behavior every two weeks can have a profound effect on your life. Don’t get overwhelmed, just pick one and create a new habit, then move on to the next.
  1. Where are your emotions tying you up in knots? If you don’t have enough time or money, how do you feel about that? Are you overwhelmed, stressed out, anxious or fearful? All of these feelings are “normal” but not helpful. Instead, try to literally feel differently about what it is you want to change.  Acknowledge how you feel, then make a new decision as to how you  will feel. You really can change the way you feel.
  1. What beliefs do you have about your ability to achieve your goals? While I’ve spoken about this in the past, it’s important to review it here, in this context. Your beliefs are really just a bunch of thoughts you repeatedly think, which create a connection in your brain that you call a belief. Seriously. How simple is that? It’s not magic or something mystical. You just took on beliefs from when you were a little kid, heaped a ton of evidence on top of it (because that’s what our brains do) which really reinforced it. You really do have control over your belief system, too. It might be time to review what your personal belief system could be. Do you really believe that you’re unworthy? Stupid? Too old or too young? All of these are false beliefs that exist only in your own mind. I don’t care if someone else projected their own fear onto you and told you that any of these were true…I’m here to tell you, they’re wrong! I suggest you rewrite your belief system according to the way you WANT to live your life!

You don’t have to take it all on at once! Pick one thing that speaks to you – No, pick the thing that screams out to you, “NO! don’t change that” and start there first! That is probably where your biggest breakthrough will come from.

So be brave! Look the causes in the face. Create a new plan (and effect) by changing one thing at a time. You have to be actively engaged in your new plan; Meaning, you’re not just hoping for a change.

I’ll leave you with this: You are the creator of your life. You get to choose what you think, feel (yes, I’m serious), which habits you employ and what belief system you want to buy into. It’s time to choose wisely. It’s time to plan for the rest of your life.


Today, I choose one thought, habit, belief or emotion to face square in the face, and change. I decide that from today on, I will change the following: ­Fill in the blank!


How’d you like to be in the 1%

Life-is-change.-Life-changes-quotesYou live in your own head every day, 24/7. You hear yourself tell yourself the same thing day in and day out. Usually, it’s not particularly nice or different.  You think if you just try harder (doing the same thing) or work longer hours (without changing anything else) you’ll eventually get over this plateau and begin living “the life” you know you are meant to live.

But truthfully, what are you doing differently, how are you thinking differently to make that change?

It is a cliché by now, but remember, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result… it really is insanity. Even if you think that if you just do more of it, it’ll be different this time.

There really can be a simple solution – and that’s to change a mere1% of what you do – or, to do one thing differently.

Because you don’t relish the idea of changing anything, and, you’re in your own head, often it’s hard to see what that one thing might be. Maybe it’s a change in focus, an idea you’d never thought of before, a change in attitude.

Maybe it’s to shift the niche of your business, tweak the way you present your material, look at your partner in a different light. These are things that seem obvious, but sometimes get overlooked.

Let me illustrate: put your finger in your “frenulum.” (HA! What’s a frenulum? Fun fact:  It’s the little divet above your lip – see this is what comes when you listen to an acupuncturist/coach!)  Now, move your head from side to side, looking for your finger. You don’t see it, do you? Why? It’s right under your damned nose!

That’s what happens when we can’t get out of our own heads. We miss opportunities, we miss the obvious. We miss what has been there all along.

How do you work with this? Here are some ways to get outside of your head:

  • Join a mastermind group.
    • A mastermind group, originated by Napolean Hill in Think and Grow Rich, is a group of people with similar goals but different backgrounds. You get together and spend time on each of your “issues” or blind spots. When you come together like that, it is as if you’ve formed one big “master” mind. Solutions flow in this setting.
  • Hire a coach (ahem). It simply is so important to get objectivity, outside ideas (similar to a mastermind, except one on one), accountability and inspiration.
  • Act “as if” for awhile. Ask yourself, “Who do I need to BE to get a different result? You can’t continue to be that same exact person you’ve always been and expect to do things differently. Start embodying the person you want to be.
  • Pick one or two people you really admire who are successful – all the better if they are successful in the area where you feel your skills are lacking. Read about them. Follow them. See what they did differently to change their circumstances.  Figure out what makes them tick. Find some inspiration and clues from their paths and adopt one or two of them
  • Do something different.
    • It seems simple, but seriously, try to approach something from either an opposing point of view or a completely different perspective. For example, what would happen if you were afraid to try something, but you did it anyway? If you succeed, that could be the most thrilling experience.

Once you’ve had the experience of success in a different format, you’ll take bigger chances, make bolder moves. Take your small successes and build on them. You don’t believe you can do this because you’ve not had the experience before – so give yourself the experience of something new!

You just might find that that 1% change can really make a quantum difference in your life. It will allow you to see yourself in a different way, which will change your thoughts, feelings and actions too.

Think way outside the box. Be uncomfortable. Remember, if you’re really comfortable, it means you’re not growing.

Let me know how it goes!

Affirmation of the week:

Today I decide that I’m in the 1% because I’m doing things differently. Today I am thinking outside the box, into the stratosphere of possibilities, and it feels so good! Today I am trying something totally different. 

Why this is NOT the time to let your (control) freak flag fly!

Photo credit Greg BajorYou tell yourself you want something more. You tell yourself, at times, that you’re ready.
And then you don’t act. Or, maybe you sabotage. Or, maybe you fail to see opportunities that are right under your nose. Why?

You’re too worried about “the how.”

When you worry too much about how something is going to happen, you begin to micromanage your life, your business and career, your relationships. You think that if you have every little detail in order, every hair in place, you won’t fail this time.

These are all fear behaviors that lull you into thinking that the security of the known is better than the risk of stepping into the unknown in order to live your dream life. The known is really the enemy of the dreamer. Remember, if you keep doing the same thing you’re going to get more of the same. You have to leave your comfort zone if you want that shift.

Here’s the truth: that inner control freak has got to go if you want to take the exciting leaps that are waiting for you.

Here’s what happens. When you try to tightly control everything, the flow of money in and out, how someone will react, what someone is thinking about you, the exact and detailed outline of next steps –what ends up happening is that you stay so worried about how it will happen that you lose your faith that it will happen. That loss of faith, meanwhile, is what blocks the universe’s ability to bring you what you want. It’s like you’re standing on the garden hose, and all the water is backing up behind it. Sooner or later, either it will develop a crack, a slow leak, or the hose will burst.

That leak means you start bleeding energy in ways you don’t notice at first. You start to feel weary, nervous, or anxious. You begin to lose the trust needed to make the leap into the unknown. You stop taking risks at all for fear of making a mistake. You tell yourself, “See, I can’t do this!” and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Or, you hold so tightly that your over-controlling, micromanaging fear (and lack) based thinking get the best of you and you give up or crack. (Let’s be honest – we’ve all been there.) It is exhausting!

So what’s an earnest, well-intended, goal-oriented person to do?

Get off the hose.

In other words, take a few risks. Trust. Do something you’ve never done before. Trust that if you have the desire, you have the means. Stop worrying so much about the how or the risk because –guess what? No matter what, you’re always risking something. Even by not acting, you are taking a risk. You’re risking getting so frustrated with your status quo that you’ll never crawl out of your pain. Or, if you want to look at it in a less dramatic way, you’ll never get what you really want.

You simply have to decide which risk you want to take: the risk of staying the same and things never changing, or trying and it not working out the first, second or even third time. You have to risk not knowing how it’s all going to come forward.

Why do smart, savvy people get stuck like this? Because the urgency to change is not there. The pain of not changing is too far in the future. The fear of failure obliterates the reality that if you don’t change something, you will stay where you are. The frustration of not living the life you want to live feels so distant that you keep hoping a miracle will occur without your needing to change anything. In other words, that enhanced, deep pain of not having what you want seems so far away that you can’t feel it yet. It’s sort of like why people abuse their bodies – it doesn’t show up right away. When you’re having a few too many drinks, you’re not thinking of the hangover that’s coming the next day.

A miracle is actually waiting to occur and you’re blocking it by not allowing the flow. When you stop worrying about the how, the opportunities become visible, the doors fly open, the miracles begin to happen.

So, I encourage you to take a risk and do something different. Your failure to act is not only just as risky, it’s actually passively aggressive to your dreams. By not acting, you are making a choice.

Perhaps the best way to stop worrying about the how, and just do it, is to remind yourself that staying the same is a risk –you risk feeling a bigger frustration and pain in the future. You risk never having what you want, never living your dreams.

What does that feel like? Now that you’re feeling it, what are you going to do about it?

Photo credit: Greg Bajor

Affirmation of the week:

Today is the beginning of letting go of fears. Today is the day I make the decision to accept my desire as valid and good. Today is the day I release my need to know how, and know that if I have the desire, I have the means to achieve what I desire.

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