
The biggest cause of aging and disease

Okay, I’ll get right to it: the biggest cause of aging and disease is inflammation!

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to trauma, infection, stress, or some kind of pathogen. But, pathogens, stress, or trauma can come in different packages! What happens when your body thinks food is a pathogen? What about the kind of micro-trauma that you ignore? You know those things the suddenly show up and disappear, then come back again — like the random achy joint or stomach ache? And how about the fact that you’re suddenly super sluggish when you’d been feeling okay before that stressful interaction with your boss?

These are all signs that there has been some sort of break in the homeostasis, or balance, of your body. Chronic “breaches” in homeostasis create chronic stress in the body, which can affect the body in any number of ways. Sometimes, if you’re getting enough sleep, exercise, self-care, and the right foods and supplements, your body bounces back pretty quickly.

But, what happens if… eh, you’re not in tip top shape? If the stress is wearing you down? Your body responds more and more slowly until you get sick. And I’m not talking just about getting the common cold. I’m talking about autoimmune disease, chronic inflammatory diseases, or even cancer.

henry miller quote

So, what’s it going to take to get you to pay attention to those symptoms instead of ignoring them?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to obsess over every little scratch or ache in your body. I’m telling you to stop ignoring the things that keep showing up! Chronic inflammation affects the way you feel, the way you think (it takes away your mental “edge”), and slows down your body’s immune and recovery systems—in fact, ALL its systems.

Think of it this way: if your body is busy dealing with toxins, inflammation, stress, and other breaches, how can it possibly do the basic maintenance that allows you to thrive? If you had a tooth abscess that never healed, how do you think that would go? Well, if you have chronic inflammation inside, it can look kind of the same way!

Stay tuned. I’m on a mission to stop chronic disease and autoimmunity in its tracks and help you live the healthiest and most vibrant life you can live.

So, please — start paying attention to what your body is telling you. It’s a brilliant machine that is giving you feedback all the time…. Eventually, like a toddler who is ignored, it will throw a tantrum!


2 Responses to The biggest cause of aging and disease

  1. I did not start to heal until I stopped chasing after each manifestation and started attending to inflammation. Thanks for an important post — looking forward to more from you. <3

  2. The body IS brilliant. Your message of paying attention in this way is so important! Thanks for calling this out.

    I’m on a mission for people to listen to their bodies as well. My focus is on the messages that can help guide you in taking actions and making choices that are aligned with your heart–your inner wisdom. It’s really all part of the same intelligence.

    I’m eager to hear what you’ll share next.

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