
Nerves That Fire Together, Wire Together — More detox tips (that can used anywhere in your life!)

neuronsthatfiretogetherThe first few days of a detox (or any change) can be challenging, but if you prepared yourself well (as in, you decreased the amount of caffeine and started to take out the junk prior to the start of the detox) you can avoid some of the reactions your body can have. It is normal (though not automatic) to experience headaches, fatigue or aches at first. These should pass within a day or so. The more you adhere to the meal plan, the better you will feel. I predict that by day 3-4 you’ll be feeling so good you will be grateful to your body (and yourself) for ditching the garbage and pushing it out of your body! The detox reactions will be quickly forgotten, and your blood sugar (as well as your moods) will be stable and energy higher.

The same goes for any change you want to make — the first few days are the hardest. If you’re trying to quit an addiction, I tell my patients, the first few days are physical. The next part is mental and emotional. Once you get over the physical cravings of cigarettes, sugar or salt addictions, for example, the goal now is to tackle your mindset!

Here are some detox tips that will impact all parts of your life — whether or not you are detoxing.

Today, let’s think about choosing your focus: health, vibrancy, change, weight loss — whatever it means for you to be doing this, and repeat that to yourself all day long–along with your mantra, of course (see last week’s post). Focus on the benefits, not the deprivation. This will also change your attitude about life.

There’s a saying in neurobiology: neurons that fire together, wire together. That means that the more you think about certain things, the more you will enforce that in your mind – physically! You will literally be create a bigger “nerve bundle” in your brain that reinforces that habit. So, what are you wiring in there? Is it health, positivity, excitement for the changes? Or is it deprivation, annoyance, and focus on the negatives? What you think about will be what you live. Change your thoughts, change your life. (THAT would be a great mantra, by the way!)

Ask yourself this: where are you letting outside circumstances dictate how you are experiencing your life? What can you shift or let go of so that you can create the health you want? Who are you making choices for: you or others, or perhaps your past? Whose idea of how strong and healthy you can be are you believing?

While I believe you should love where you are, there’s also generally room for improvement. It’s a fine line between being ok with where you are and knowing there’s something you want to change. Try to find that balance — because hating where you are (or God, forbid, who you are) will only keep you stuck. Remember, last week I told you you have to love yourself through change. That’s key.


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