
The top ten ways to create personal freedom

One of the most important personal freedoms you can have, is freedom from the tyranny of your own negative thoughts. The thoughts that continually whisper in your ear that you’re thich nhat hanhnot good enough, smart enough, young or thin enough are really based on false beliefs which have become fears. (Remember a belief is just a thought you have over and over again.) These fears cast a pall on your light. To shed these thoughts takes courage, but once you do, the reward is true personal freedom. It’s like taking a breath after being underwater for a long time. I promise. It’s refreshing and delicious.

That personal freedom manifests as real love for yourself, when you no longer worry what people think. Personal freedom changes how people feel about you because you walk with confidence and joy — and people want to be around that. Personal freedom comes from the energy of trust and faith that all is as it should be, that the universe has big plans for you to live according to your authentic self

What it takes to have personal freedom: Teri’s Top Ten

  1. The courage to stand up to the “not good enough” voice in your head. Use the word “switch” when you catch yourself saying something negative about yourself and switch it out with a simple word that moves you toward a more self-loving place.
  2. The realization that you are part of the divine universal consciousness—and why would the divine create anything unworthy?
  3. The ability to embody love, even when you’re scared or hurt. Love is the balm for a bruised ego.
  4. Find the lesson. Realize that every experience in your life happened so that you could learn something.
  5. Take responsibility for where you are. It’s no one else’s fault. It takes two to tango and you have been dancing with the universe so that you could learn the truth of who you are.
  6. Stop being attached to outcomes. When you have a goal, be open to how it — or something better — shows up.
  7. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Don’t talk badly about them, judge them, or mistreat them. It’s really basic and simple.
  8. Stop believing that how much money you have is what gives you value. You are valuable because of who you are. When you own that, the money follows.
  9. Spend as much time as you can every day in appreciation for what you do have. It generates the energy of more to appreciate!
  10. Exercise your choice—it’s a privilege. You can always choose how you feel about any given situation. No one can tell you how to feel. Choose love. Choose freedom from the tyranny of negative thoughts.




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