
How to Start Having a Good Relationship with Money

We all have stuff around money, regardless of our income bracket. How many times have you said something like this to yourself:

  • Why can’t I seem to get ahead?
  • Why can’t I charge what I know I’m worth?
  • Who am I to charge that?
  • They’ll never pay me to do that.
  • I need more certifications, degrees, or confirmation before I really get started.
  • Everyone else seems to be able to make great money. Why can’t I?
  • Money will make me a bad person.
  • What will happen if I’m a success/a failure?

Money is a loaded issue. I think Cynthia Occelli said it best when I interviewed her.
She said,
“Money is neutral. You can feed a child with it or hire a hit man.”

This captures the essence of what we do to ourselves around money. When we call money bad, because we think it’s the root of evil or we shouldn’t charge people for our gifts, we are essentially saying to the divine, “No thanks. I’ll continue to struggle.” Or, “I don’t want your gift of money.”

You can do enormous good with money!

Seriously. Do you believe that spirit wants us to struggle or not have enough money? When we attach value to money, especially self-value, it becomes a charged issue.

Money is not bad or good.

It’s like saying a maple tree is bad. It just is. Money is a form of energy, just like everything on the planet, and using it is an energy exchange – you provide services or goods, and the client exchanges money for it. How you experience that exchange comes from what you attach to the meaning of money. (Kinda like sex, eh?)


A great way to create a better relationship with money is to really realize it is just that… a relationship. Ask yourself:

  • Do you hold money at bay (because you’re afraid to fail or succeed)?
  • Do you have animosity or anger toward money?
  • Do you fear money?
  • Are you envious of people with money?
  • Do you believe you’ll never have enough?
  • Do you believe there is only so much to go around?

If you were looking for a mate, these are all the same issues that would run around your head. You’re certainly not going to attract money, OR a mate, take opportunities that are presented to you or engage with money or a mate in a healthy manner if this is the way you look at it.

It’s very common. You are in excellent company with other sisters around the world who are bogged down by money “stuff.”

As women entrepreneurs, we want to provide enormous value to the people we serve. We care. Deeply. When we sell our services, it’s like we’re selling ourselves – sort of like when you’re on a date. You are putting yourself out there.

If you’re a stay at home mom, there is often a feeling of disparity – like somehow your job of taking care of the kids and the home has less value than the person who is making the money. Seriously? Take a step back and look at that! You’re growing and nurturing beautiful little caring creatures to be amazing adults who will contribute to this world. How on earth can you place a dollar value on that?

If you work from home, it’s hard to set boundaries. Often, there is a feeling that you’re not really working, or, your time is uber flexible and you can drop anything for anyone at anytime. This is not a business. This is a hobby.

When we find our innate value from who we are instead of how much money we have, there is a sublime feeling of freedom in that. It is attainable – even if it’s a piece at a time.


1. How about this week you look at all the ways you have value. Make a list. Look at this list every day until you own your value. Once you own your value, money will slowly become more of what it is – as neutral as a maple tree. It just is.

2. Then, start writing love letters to one of your partners in life, money. Start writing about how you see your relationship with money. Talk to it as if it were a person. Do this for at least 21 days. (This is from one of my genius partners, Valia Glytsis). See how your relationship changes.

I have not done the latter for 21 days myself, but I ‘m going to start doing it today. It’s a fabulous exercise! I’ll check in with you in three weeks and report on the results! And I want to hear from you, too.

The bottom line is to watch how you think about money, how you interact with it, and what it means in your life. This is important stuff! If you want to change how money comes into your life, make room for it, love it, appreciate it. Think of all the good you can do with it.

Have FUN with it!


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