
Are you born to “just do it” or not?

According to human design, 70% of the population is identified as “generators” (and I’m one of them.) While there are variations IMG_0280according to our individual designs, generally what that means is that we have to wait to respond to signs from the universe. Not all generators are the same, of course. We each come with our special and unique design. (I’m thrilled to learn that I’m perfectly designed to coach and teach!) However, I was not born to “just do it.”

The problem lies in the fact that we are taught from birth to “just do it,“ regardless of how that feels to us.  I am a firm believer that you need to act on your dreams (not sit around eating bon bons – well, who does that? Eating ice cream?) while waiting for a miracle to be delivered to you. However, I am learning that sometimes I have to wait. (Not something I feel naturally inclined to do.)

I am also learning to watch, to see what the universe is directing me toward. In other words, I’m not trying to shove my ideas down the throats of others.  I am sitting in my flow and allowing things to show up, and then responding to it. It feels so much better and more in alignment with who I am.

I have a lot of ideas. Some of them have worked, and others haven’t. I can tell you that the ones that have worked were ones that were either specifically asked for or where there were signs moving me in that direction.

What do I mean by this? When clients begin asking for help with something, that’s a sign. I might create a program or class from that. However, if I get what I think is a brilliant idea –- and put it out without anyone asking or seeing signs outside of me that says it’s a good idea –it often falls pretty flat.

So, how do you identify your flow? You get quiet. That is key. You watch and start looking for clues that you are moving in the right direction. You listen. Start paying attention to when things feel easy and “right” and when things feel like you’re pushing a boulder up a mountain.

Most of you are designed to wait and respond, which I’ve already described. Others are designed to initiate. But, before you initiate, you have to let people know what you are doing.  Ask yourself, “how do others respond to me when I initiate things?” If they are resentful, perhaps you are not letting them know what you are doing clearly enough. This type is also designed to be recognized, and only then will they step out and onto a red carpet that will bring out their strong abilities and walk them toward their destiny.  They are also not the hard workers.  They are the guides, and often don’t have sustainable energy to go hard, like the type described above.

You can see how in our western culture, not being “hard-working” goes against what we are taught. You may feel conflicted that you’re not working hard enough. “What will others think?” The truth is, many of your type will work hard in spurts, and then stop when you’re tired. You are initiators, instigators – but you have to let others know what’s going on!

Another type is very “open” and takes in everyone and everything around them and reflects that back to the world. They need to be in a very harmonious atmosphere. Ask yourself if you feel comfortable or uncomfortable when you are in a certain environment or with certain people. Respect that. Do you respond to or deeply feel others’ energies? If so, then your environment is very important for your success and flow. You also need to take time to make decisions and not rush into things on a whim – because sometimes it can be hard to know “what yours” and what is someone else’s “stuff.”

Basically, the bottom line is to pay attention – to feelings inside and signs outside of you. Notice how people are responding to your behavior. You must also pay attention to your health and energy,  (are you exhausting yourself and unable to fully function for days at a time?) as well as to your gut instinct (which we’ve talked about these last two weeks.) Respect what you know. Not necessarily what you were told.

So, as they say, the inner reflects the outer. Check out how you’re feeling in your environment, with certain people and with your own energy. When you are feeling depleted, pay attention to that. When you feel crappy in your work environment, you’re probably in the wrong place or doing the wrong thing – or maybe just in the wrong role.

While you still may have to do things you don’t like to grow (which your subconscious doesn’t want you to do) and maybe even to pay the bills –- for now –you also need to respect your inner knowing and feelings as well as the responses you’re getting from the “outside” world.

Like everything, it’s an inner and outer game. How are you playing it and how good do you feel at the end of the day?

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • Does this feel right for me?
  • Do I feel comfortable here?
  • How are people responding to me?
  • What did I do or say to elicit that response?
  • Am I exhausting myself?
  • Am I responding to signs in the universe?
  • Am I communicating well?
  • How can I trust my instinct more?

Regardless of your “design”, these are important observations for being in the flow. It’s when we feel that we’re simply at the whims of the world, reacting to things thrown at us, that we are misaligned. *

So, stop, look and listen. It’s one of those age-old pieces of wisdom that does still apply.

* One caveat: be careful what your subconscious tells you is right to keep you small.


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