A healing process, being in your new job, coaching clients successfully, working with a sense of fulfillment, going to the bank, depositing large checks, feeling your new partner’s hand in yours, etc.
Begin to really experience this with your senses
Smell the coffee. As you sit down to make the call, feel the seat underneath you, feel the money in your hand, feel the excitement of achieving a personal goal – what does it feel like to accomplish that goal? Do you get a tingly sensation, a sense of peace? Adrenaline pumping?
Use pictures…
See the cells healing, the color of a pink, healthy organ, your immune system attacking invaders, watch as your healing occurs. What does it look like when you get that phone call you’ve been waiting for? Imagine your partner’s features.
Give yourself time to really experience what you want…
Then write affirmations in the present and keep them with you as a constant reminder. The more you remind yourself, the stronger the neural connections will become, and your mind will accept this as reality and you will go about all you need to do to make it happen.
Here’s an interesting tip. You actually don’t have to do it with your eyes closed. If you’re washing the dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning your closet, you can use that time to visualize what you want to come into your life. Really get into it. The more you do it, and the more emotion you put behind it, the more powerful it is!
C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E T.I.P.S For Using Affirmations
– C learly make a C ommittment! (nothing wishy washy! Be definitive)
– R esponsibility – take it! Do it frequently.
– Experience the sensation of already having attained your desire
– A chieving is believing. If you don’t believe, your thoughts are working against you.
– T rust it is being accomplished — have faith and move your feet.
– I magine: it’s imperative to think outside the box.
– V isualize details and sensations
– E xperiment
– T ense: use the present: “am”
– IFirst Person, “I”
– P ersonally involved, Persistent and Positive
– S ee yourself Successful…See it, Specifically, and you get it!