
Embrace Chaos and Make it Work for not Against You

Image Credit: chaoss / Shutterstock

How many times do you find your life in a state of chaos? Why does it happen and what can you do about it?

Chaos usually comes at one of two times: when we are not present in the moment, or, when we are changing. Sometimes we have to focus on where we are creating the chaos (for we create our reality) and sometimes, we have to welcome the chaos as the beginning of our next transformation.

Physics defines chaos as behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.

Or, it is defined through Greek mythology as the formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe.

So, how random is it? And can we call upon the Greek god, Chaos, as we create the life we want out of the formless matter that is spirit? One step at a time, of course.

When we are changing (transforming), our subconscious has a job— to keep us just where we are. It doesn’t like our changing, growing and stepping out of the shadows. The subconscious feels safer when we hang out with the devil we know versus the devil we don’t.

You may find that you create situations to distract yourself from forward movement. You’ll become more afraid of doing something different, no matter how motivated you were before.  Old “stuff” rears its ugly head, almost as if to make you back off.  You start listening to the unhelpful voice in your head that says, “See, I told you!” … and you find yourself agreeing with it. The people in your life may feel uncomfortable, scared or threatened with your changing, so will try to distract you from your forward movement by arguing or throwing monkey wrenches in your plans—whether consciously or unconsciously.

If we don’t realize that chaos is inevitable as we grow, we will interpret it as a sign that we should step back, go slower—and return to the way things were, even if  that is not what we want in our heart and soul. We tell ourselves we’re too tired for this fight, too confused to move forward. Too weary of the chaos.

I have another alternative! Instead of backing off, shout out: “BRING IT ON!”  Run head-on into the chaos and stay very very present. Ask yourself if you are creating this chaos as a way to distract yourself from growing, or is the chaos spirit’s way of creating something new for you?  Where are the opportunities for growth in this moment? In what way does the chaos usher in a chance to expand? Or release what no longer serves you?

There’s a saying in the entrepreneurial world that there’s often a breakdown before the breakthrough. This is what I’m talking about here. Sometimes things have to break down into smaller, seemingly random parts in order for you to create exactly what you, you powerful creator, really desire. Fighting against the feeling of chaos that the breaking down evokes only creates more resistance and negative energy. (And we all know that worrying is like praying for what you don’t want—so watch that!) Do your best to detach from the emotions of the chaos, and address it head on. I find that looking at life’s chaotic moments with a bit of detachment really helps. I use the phrase, “Isn’t that interesting,” because it helps me look at the situation without emotion.

No “big bang” happens smoothly. The universe did not come into existence because the primordial “stuff” said, “Nah, why bother.” It was the chaos that created a new universe for us and when the “chaos” hits the fan for you, it’s time to embrace it. It can be the catalyst for your own “big bang” and propel you toward your best life.

So, repeat after me: BRING IT ON!! And enjoy the ride.


Today I welcome change into my life with eyes wide open. I embrace rather than fight the chaos as a step toward transformation while remaining aware of how and when I create unnecessary chaos to keep myself distracted.

I’m adopting the concept of BRING IT ON!


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