
Part I of what most Transitions have in common: We hate change!

Those of you who have been following my work have heard me speak of this before. In fact, there is an older blog post where I talk about the “mammalian brain” and why we dislike change. But transformation is all about change.

This week, in the private Summer of Transformation facebook group, I witnessed women doing what women do best: support, share wisdom, love and care for each other – and they don’t even “know” each other outside of this group. I was truly blown away by what a virtual support group can do and by the power of women. We’ve already witnessed breakthroughs and “aha’s” and the program hasn’t even started. And, as one woman put it “Never underestimate the power of a group of like-minded women on a mission!” I may put that on my desk! These like-minded women are on a mission of transformation!
So, as this summer is all about transformation for me and my group of fabulous women (and a few cool guys!) I want to send you some encouragement.

Those moments when it feels too difficult, scary or uncomfortable are the moments to embrace! Believe it or not, those are the moments of great teaching, growth and inspiration. And because change is uncomfortable and we seek the security of doing things the same way, even if it’s not the best thing for us, we often need those trying moments to give us the push and the energy — the momentum — to manifest true change.

We are given these lessons time and again, until we learn them, so you might as well take this opportunity to grow and let go. Because, guess what? You asked for the lesson on some level, and you’re going to have to live through these moments over and over again, until you “get it.” How about now?

When you get to the other side of it, you will be amazed at how joyful life can become. But if you can, try not to just slog through it. Try to be a witness to your own growth. Live each moment as consciously as you can. And, treat yourself as you would any child who is learning and growing: with loving compassion.

So yeah, change is uncomfortable. Lean into it, and see what doors open for you. The Universe has much bigger ideas for us than we could have ever dreamed of. And remember, as one door closes, another opens. Allow the shift and change to take place, and have faith that you are on the right path. The more you stay present and aware of this moment, the faster and greater the growth. And stop looking at the closed doors. See who or what is waiting for you at the next door.

And, learn to love change, just a bit more. When you embrace all that life is, life embraces you back.


8 Responses to Part I of what most Transitions have in common: We hate change!

  1. Oh, you caught me! I was looking at closed doors just this morning and feeling super blue. I was thinking about how a certain change in my life that occurred a couple of months ago is haunting me still. Not only is it making me look at things in myself I don’t like and remembering old hurts, but it’s asking me to step up, get clear about what I want and believe in myself in a new way.

    This “change” is asking more of me, and there’s a part of me that wants to just sit around and complain instead of rising to the occassion, instead of leaning in. But after writing it out for myself and moving out of “can’t have” and into “I can have it all” I know what I need to do to lean in and get the goods! Thanks for helping me reframe the closed door!

  2. This is great Terri, I’m struck by the part that says we seek security even more than love. I hadn’t made that distinction before and yet I can see it to be true in my own life. What a huge eye-opener because I find love to be way more fulfilling than security- and yet if my “nature” goes against that, I should really pay close attention! It’s like knowing your driving a car that’s out of alignment and pulls to the left. Awareness is key! Love the video format too, great message!

  3. Teri,
    First, what a natural you are on your video. Thanks for all of the smiles and the beautiful background. As far as change…hate it…way over-rated, but I must begrudgingly agree with you. The very best lesson I learned in college? “Change is the only constant”. I have lived by that and it doesn’t make change any easier but I never feel surprised. I frequently don’t know exactly what is coming my way, but always know that something is coming my way.
    Looking forward to your next video!

  4. Your comment that we have invited our lessons is so true…that is the gift of any challenge. To honestly look at the invitation you sent out and the gift that arrived. Be quiet, do not ask why..just be fully present to all and grateful for all.

  5. Hi Teri,

    Great video and info about change! So important but so difficult for me too! So true how we don’t even realize how our thought patterns keep us stuck in one way of ‘being’, even if it’s not best for us. The being aware and inquiry part is something I’ve been spend a lot of time on in my own life to help me get unstuck from old habits. Thanks again!

  6. I loved your video on change. Ive been craving a change in my health and eating habits but it has proven to be really hard. I will follow your homework and hopefully get past the uncomfortable feeling. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Wonderful post! The message about change hit home this week. I found myself resisting making a change FOR me. This reminded me of all the reasons why I need to reconsider the decision.

  8. Terri, you are so right on the several points…that the painful and difficult situations are the moments to embrace. That it is these hard times that push us out of our comfortable nests and force us to confront ourselves and our situations and stop going around the mountain another time. Learn the lessons by leaning into the hardship. Smart advice. Thanks

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