
I Freaking Love you! or, 9 Ways To Bring More Soul-filled Love Into Your Life

I had to write about love at Valentine’s day ~ But here’s the thing. My approach these days is that you can’t compartmentalize anything in your life…and so it is with love. So, here are 9 ways to bring love into all aspects of your life.  Some are pretty easy, some not so much. But give each a whirl and you’ll be surprised how good it feels at the end of the day (or month, or year). All of this is designed to help you and the person you are interacting with just experience more love. The more love you feel, the more love you attract. It’s just physics.

  1.  Love a stranger.  What I mean by that is literally send love to a stranger. It could be the person sitting across from you on the train, or someone who walks by. Just have the thought that you want to send them some love, and see how good it feels. We ARE all connected, after all.
  2. Walk into your next business meeting, networking or business event with the intention of giving. Have the first thing you say to someone be, “What can I do to help YOU?”  When you go with the intention of helping others, you find people a bit dazzled by your generosity. It feels good, and then maybe they’ll pay it forward.
  3. Kiss your lover like it was your first kiss. Remember what it felt like to kiss your loved one for the first time. Hold their face in your hands, close your eyes and really feel the kiss.  Feel your bodies dissolve and your souls connect. Pretty yummy.
  4. Lovingly look in the mirror. Yup. Take off all your clothes, stand in front of the mirror and only focus on the parts of you that you love – NOT the parts you think “need work.” Love all of you, but focus on what you believe, at this moment, to be perfect. Eventually, you will see that this body is just a vehicle for carrying around our perfect souls, and criticizing yourself only leads to lower self esteem. That broadcasts out into the world. When you put your clothes back on, walk outside and broadcast all the parts of you that you love. Eventually, that will be all of you.
  5. Spend a few moments focusing on your heart chakra (the space in the middle of your chest) and breathe in and out love for someone. Really let that love wash over you. Send that person love. Spend a few moments really wallowing in that. Then, for a challenge, try sending some love to someone you’re angry at or have a grudge against. You might be surprised to find some of that melting. (Have I mentioned that we’re all connected?)
  6. Pay it forward. Share someone’s stuff on social media (without thinking they are competition), hold open a door, pick up a friend’s kid from school, tip the waitress a little extra. Find ways to be of service.
  7. Brag. I know we’re always taught to be humble, but how about if every day for the next week or two, you write down two or three things about yourself that you did that day that you feel really good about. Accumulate them and read them when you’re having a tough moment. Heck, read ‘em every day!
  8. Wake up in gratitude. Just spend a few moments every morning before you get out of bed, imagining a field of gratitude surrounding you. Each time you think of something to be grateful for, the field gets bigger and bigger. This field is also something you broadcast out into the world. What you think, you get.
  9. Love yourself first. And, as Byron Katie says, “love what is.” Be happy in this moment, in this life, for you are learning what you need to learn.

“Seeking love keeps you from the awareness that you already have it—that you are it.” Byron Katie

photo from


4 Responses to I Freaking Love you! or, 9 Ways To Bring More Soul-filled Love Into Your Life

  1. Hmmm…Were thinking that one of the “not so easy” tips was the one about taking off all your clothes in front of the mirror? ACK!!

    Having said that, I love the way you addressed so many different areas of life. Nice, nice job, Teri!

  2. Terry, I absolutely loved this post and will share with the world! Two of your suggestions resonated with me and those were, love a stranger and lovingly look in the mirror! yikes- both can be very challenging, I think it’s sometimes easier to love a stranger than the love handles you see in the mirror 🙂 but it’s a great message and one that I will personally practice more often- thanks for sharing!

  3. I freakin’ love this post and these “love” tips. Especially the one about kissing your lover like it was the first time. Very yummy. I’ve been working with the energy around my heart chakra lately, so that tip, too, felt so right on. Thank you!

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