Monthly Archives: July 2012

Part I of what most Transitions have in common: We hate change!

Those of you who have been following my work have heard me speak of this before. In fact, there is an older blog post where I talk about the “mammalian brain” and why we dislike change. But transformation is all about change.

This week, in the private Summer of Transformation facebook group, I witnessed women doing what women do best: support, share wisdom, love and care for each other – and they don’t even “know” each other outside of this group. I was truly blown away by what a virtual support group can do and by the power of women. We’ve already witnessed breakthroughs and “aha’s” and the program hasn’t even started. And, as one woman put it “Never underestimate the power of a group of like-minded women on a mission!” I may put that on my desk! These like-minded women are on a mission of transformation!
So, as this summer is all about transformation for me and my group of fabulous women (and a few cool guys!) I want to send you some encouragement.

Those moments when it feels too difficult, scary or uncomfortable are the moments to embrace! Believe it or not, those are the moments of great teaching, growth and inspiration. And because change is uncomfortable and we seek the security of doing things the same way, even if it’s not the best thing for us, we often need those trying moments to give us the push and the energy — the momentum — to manifest true change.

We are given these lessons time and again, until we learn them, so you might as well take this opportunity to grow and let go. Because, guess what? You asked for the lesson on some level, and you’re going to have to live through these moments over and over again, until you “get it.” How about now?

When you get to the other side of it, you will be amazed at how joyful life can become. But if you can, try not to just slog through it. Try to be a witness to your own growth. Live each moment as consciously as you can. And, treat yourself as you would any child who is learning and growing: with loving compassion.

So yeah, change is uncomfortable. Lean into it, and see what doors open for you. The Universe has much bigger ideas for us than we could have ever dreamed of. And remember, as one door closes, another opens. Allow the shift and change to take place, and have faith that you are on the right path. The more you stay present and aware of this moment, the faster and greater the growth. And stop looking at the closed doors. See who or what is waiting for you at the next door.

And, learn to love change, just a bit more. When you embrace all that life is, life embraces you back.

My Personal Transformation Through Divorce

Full disclosure: I’m sort of an open book. Sometimes this doesn’t always work in my favor, but… As a kid I was told I shouldn’t “wear my heart on my sleeve,” like that was a bad thing?! But here it comes, full circle.

I had a completely different plan for today’s article, but when I looked at the date, I realized that 25 years ago today, I married my first husband, the father of my children. We’ve been divorced 7 years, and I’m remarried to the love of my life. I never imagined life could be so incredibly joyful, fulfilling and loving. I have learned how to fall in love with life. I learned that my often bottomless capacity for love can actually serve a purpose in humanity. And that’s a gift, AND a good thing!

Gratefully, my ex and I managed to keep the kids out of the disagreements between us, and he’s a good guy. I wish him well in his life as he does with mine. We take the kids out together at times, and it’s just fine.

At the time of my divorce, though, I thought it was the worst thing that could have happened to me. It pushed every one of my buttons and I jumped into full-stripes Victim Mode. But, in truth, it was the greatest gift he could have given me.

Why is this important as I’m launching my “Summer of Transformation?” Because it is from that moment on that I pursued the next part of my destiny: to help women fall back in love with their lives again. But I had to start with my own life, first!

Because I CAN be a dog with a bone, I was relentless. That is, once I switched out of Victim Mode and into the study of the Art and Science of Transformation. It is now my passion to bring that to other women. And I learned that the universe has more in store for us than we might ever have imagined (or had the guts to pursue) unless something kicked our butts!

My marriage had really ended about 5 years earlier, though we did everything we could to keep it together. I didn’t have the courage to leave, but he did. The universe has a funny sense of humor: he became my teacher.

It took everything I had within me (and a fair amount of time!) to muster up the strength to forgive. The irony is that the forgiveness was the greatest gift I gave myself. The anger began to melt away. You know, it is EXHAUSTING to be angry all the time! My life began to transform, and I learned that my capacity for love is actually a good thing!

And that’s only the beginning!

Here’s what I learned by turning from Victim to Victory:

  • We have everything we need inside of us – to carry on, to make the changes we “need” and want to make. We definitely want to reach out for the help of others to guide us, but the spirit of transformation comes from within.
  • Everything is connected – mind, body and spirit. They’re not just cliche’d words; Working with all three is key to integrating transformation.
  • We are always at choice – as to how we handle any of our emotions. They can rule us, or we can realize that they are just feelings, and WE are in charge.
  • We have the power of transforming virtually everything in our lives – if we just have faith, and move our feet!
  • Staying “present” is the basis for transformation. Letting go of the pain of the past and dropping the worry and anxiety about the future holds the secret to our happiness.

So, if you’re ready to fall in love with your life again, join me, and 14 other experts — Transformation is only a click away!  AND, it’s FREE!

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