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It’s Shout Out Week! Stepping Into Our Divinely Feminine Businesses

It has been a somewhat epic couple of months for me. Personal evolution – not always an easy thing – can come somewhat piecemeal. Growth can sneak in in stages, or via epiphanies and “aha moments”.  All the while we’re putting one magnificent shoe in front of the other (see last week’s blog), and one day, it all comes together. Often what people call “an overnight success” has really been a pretty long road of hard work. It is this moment when everything “clicks”, and the influences that get you there, that I want to write about.

My very wise actress daughter said to me yesterday that her acting teachers called this phenomenon the moment when opportunity and hard work meet – I think that’s the sweet spot of success beginning (however you define success).  I’m stepping into that moment, in a personal way, in my business.

As I was starting out on my new incarnation of healthybeing, I struggled to put together all the pieces of “who I am” as a business and what my divine gifts are. I have so much unusual, yet in-depth experience that I was a bit monkey-minded as to how to do that. One can have an explosion of ideas, like me, but as they say, “ideas are like opinions; everyone has them”. It’s the implementation of these ideas that makes the difference between something that stays in your head, and something that lands – and touches the lives of those you were supposed to touch.

Here are the women who recently touched my life to bring my divine purpose, ideas and unflinching desire to help and succeed – together.

Yesterday was the culmination of the influences I speak of. As it’s still vibrating around me, I thought I’d start there. One of my business mentors, Fabienne Fredrickson, of Client Attraction, chose me out of our group of 135 to have a business makeover, on stage, in front of the group. Working together, she guided me in clearing the gunk out of my thinking and zeroed in on next steps, clarifying my vision and helping me move forward – in order to do the business I was divinely put here to do.
Having business mentors who act with integrity, have an abundant mindset and walk their talk of doing business with honor and in alignment with their values, is paramount not just to success, but success with joy. All of those I surrounded myself are such people.

It was a profoundly abundant experience that I know will change me, and my business, forever. After all was said and done, with tears in her eyes, Fabienne held me by the hands, with tears in her eyes, and said, “A lot of women are counting on you to get out there. They need your help.” And in that moment, I realized everything had changed.

I also have to shout out Julie Steelman, whose classes have driven home the knowing that money is simply an exchange of energy. It is our divine birthright, as well, and asking for what one deserves is not only divine and holy, but appropriate. It is when we fail to shine our light that those we are divinely contracted to work with, can’t find us. It is with success that one can give back, and giving back is imperative, in my book. It is one of my big “whys.”

Lisa Steadman taught me to connect to my “woohoo” – aka, a fun way of finding my authentic business self. It’s all about being genuine, not being afraid of getting out there, and loving yourself with all of your magnificent quirks and unique abilities. What fun business can be!

Then there’s Tanya Ezekiel, who is a career coach with whom I went to coaching school. Tanya and I had a session together that put my old issues of “being worthy” into a new light. (see, we all have our gremlins, my friends! It is how we work with them that is important!) She made me realize that I can’t compartmentalize areas of my life and think they don’t bleed into each other. As they say, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” A motto I thought I was living by, but just as you can’t give yourself a good haircut, you need others to sometimes point out the obvious. I learned an invaluable lesson from just one session with Tanya that I am eternally grateful for.

Valia Glytsis, Leadership Development Coach and mentor, has been my compadre going down this road of conducting business with integrity, authenticity and responsibility. She has been a beacon of hope, inspiration, and wisdom.  She is the epitome of The Real Deal, with generosity and humility.  She, too, has opened my eyes to see things in a fresh light that allowed me to move more into who I truly am.

Carla Goddard, Shaman Medicine Woman and Iva Peele, Road to Q’eros – This is perhaps what started the big shift for me. Recently invited into this small Sacred Lodge of “We the Women” – a mostly virtual gathering of shamans, healers and priestesses, was Spirit’s way of pushing me into really owning my divine gifts and knowing how important the generosity model is. Sharing with other women like this, watching Carla encourage and help them to grow their businesses with Spirit in a way that will change the world, and then having the We the Women Community page open up to such wide acceptance and inspiration, was a most amazing experience. The women in this Lodge are some of the most quietly powerful, life changing, generous and loving women I have ever encountered, and I am humbled to share seats with them here.

Fabienne recently altered the dalai lama’s sentiment that the world will be changed by the western woman. She feels the world will be changed by the woman entrepreneur – and that is because doing business by the feminine model of combining strength, authenticity, truly caring about your clients, and being “generous” really may change the world!
She, along with Carla Goddard, Julie Steelman, Lisa Steadman, Tanya Ezekial, Valia Glytsis and all the other amazing women in my life helped me not just realize, but own, that doing business is a spiritual endeavor, and one that requires us to be in alignment with our core values…and with joy. I am indebted to these women I was clearly spiritually contracted to work with. With open, humble and grateful arms, I welcome those women whose spiritual contracts include working with me.

And so the ripple effect goes.

PS: I’ve included links to these fabulous women’s pages so that if you’re interested or inclined, you can check these life-changers out!

How To Succeed Without Really Succeeding…Or, By Wearing the Right Shoes

Ok, did I get your attention? What I mean is, have you ever considered that we might better succeed by NOT getting what we think we want?  That sounds counter intuitive to all the counsel I give about thinking positively, dreaming our dreams and writing affirmations – ALL of which are hugely important. But, I believe there’s another lesson to be learned by all of us. And, it’s not just that Spirit works in mysterious ways (which is true). It’s that sometimes we don’t listen to our intuition, our inner knowing. We block it out because we think our minds know better, when in reality, Spirit has a much bigger idea for us. Like BIG. REALLY big. And we think too small to be able to see it.

Sometimes the things that DON’T work out for us turn out to be the most serendipitous things! – not just for our personal growth, but for our true life’s destiny. A perfect personal example is my divorce. Don’t get me wrong. It was horrible at the time. I described it as being vulnerable to the point of feeling as if I had no skin. I experienced an internal heart pain the likes of which I thought I’d never recover from. My world was shattered.

It took awhile, but eventually I picked up the shattered pieces, and put my puzzle back together in a way that fit me more authentically, more comfortably. A comfier pair of shoes. More me…less me being what everyone else wanted, stuffing my feet into shoes that were too small.

I’d thought the part of me I’d previously caught mere flickers of was a bad thing, until I was forced out of my security blanket and into the raw world of reality: finding myself again. Bare-footed.

Spirit knew. I’d been chicken. Those flickers were the me who was shining her light and wanting out in a big way. And she wanted some big girl shoes!

And what a gift I got!

I have reinvented myself in a way that makes me proud, in a way that makes my daughters proud. I have discovered parts of myself I didn’t know existed (well, I pretended I didn’t know existed) and rediscovered the stuff I had buried deep down inside.  I now help other women rekindle, rediscover, and newly discover their wildly wonderful juicy way of living. I help them learn how to walk in their big girl shoes.  Whether they prefer red high heels or combat boots, it doesn’t matter. It’s whatever makes HER happy.

And, I am truly happier than I have ever been in my life. No kidding. The shoes are fitting quite nicely, thank you.

What I realized is that reinvention is really just taking the parts of yourself that are shattered or confused, and putting them in a different order, doctoring some up, then adding some spices you’ve never tried, and marinating until finding the perfect blend of the Divine You. It’s a recipe for exciting explorations of opportunities.  And it doesn’t hurt to be wearing shoes that fit YOU.  It’s somewhat on its own agenda. This one, you have to watch for.

Changing is a scary proposition…our sense of security is the most important thing in the world to us – even above love. So, jumping – and assuming the net will appear – can be terrifying. But, if you surround yourself with the best support, advice and coaching you can find, trust your knowing, and keep putting one magnificent shoe in front of the other, you really may end up in a wildly successful, delicious place – one you’d never imagined.
Trust me.

And, trust the flickering part of you…and Trust Spirit…Then, keep your eyes open for the perfect pair of shoes that fit you just right.

Powerful day for ceremony – New Moon AND New Year of the Dragon!

Ceremony is important to us in so many ways. Whether it’s a birthday celebration, a visit to church or synagogue, a holiday tradition, a Native American healing ceremony or a personal ceremony is our own homes. Today is both the new moon, a perfect time for great ceremony offerings to create and manifest our dreams, and also the day that ushers in the Chinese New Year: the year of the Dragon! I’m sending you over to my sacred lodge sister, Karen Chrappa’s blog site, A Structure for Spirit,  to participate in a virtual ceremony, based on the traditions of the Andean shamans of Peru.
Ceremony anchors intentions and is easy to follow. The beautiful thing about the way Karen does ceremony, is it includes everyone in nearly every belief system. I believe that Spirit calls to us in its own way, in the words that speak personally to each of us. What works for me may not speak or work for you. So I like to send out information so people can be exposed to the different ways of experiencing and celebrating the Universe or Spirit.

A little bit about despacho: Karen explains more in her blog, but the overall idea is that a despacho is a ceremony that brings participants in alignment with their dreams and goals, while showing appreciation for the gifts we have. It is an offering and a prayer, a connection to the Divine within us, and the great Spirit as a whole. It also connects us in thanks to the earth, giving reciprocity for what we receive, making a divine exchange. It’s also beautiful and fun!

A little bit about the Year of the Dragon: While we in the west think of the dragon as a fiercely violent creature, in Chinese astrology, the Dragon is a divine and powerful beast, a deliverer of good fortune. To me, this makes doing ceremony on the day of both the new moon and Chinese New Year mighty powerful!

The passionate dragon is unafraid of challenge, is independent (sometimes to a fault, so be careful!). It is a year of optimism (woohoo!) This year is considered to be especially auspicious, as it is the year of the water Dragon, which happens only once every 60 years. So economically and personally, positive change is coming! People are talking about economic recovery, after the unstable year of the Rabbit.

So here’s to tapping into the full energy of the Year of the Dragon AND the New Moon. Set some intentions and believe in it. Give it a whirl…Would love to hear how you celebrated this day!

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