Category Archives: inflammation

Powerhouse Tea: the Magic of Herbal Tea Part I

herb-teaSimple ingredients to make your powerhouse tea with simple, culinary spices:

1/2 c astragalus root (available in health food stores or online)
3 cinnamon sticks

“handful” or to taste of the following fresh herbs: (I used about 1/2 cup of each, including the stems)

– sage
– oregano
– lemonbalm
– mint (a little more of this)


Put the astragalus root and cinnamon sticks in a pot with enough water to cover by 3 inches (approximately 1 quart). Bring to a boil, then simmer for about 20-30 minutes, watching that the water level doesn’t get too low. You can also partially cover the pot with a lid. You can add more water as you simmer to adjust for both strength and quantity. Strain off the cinnamon and astragalus and return water to the pot, adding the fresh herbs. Bring to a boil again, and simmer five+ minutes. If you like stronger flavors, you can allow them to sit in the hot water for another 5 minutes or so, but too long will make it bitter.

Strain off the herbs. They are compost safe since they were only in water.

Taste– if it is too strong, dilute it with more water. For a sweeter taste, add a bit of stevia or honey. I’m not a big fan of sugars, so unless the flavor is too strong, I don’t add it.

Enjoy your tea! Next week the post will contain the health benefits and other fun facts about the herbs we use in such soothing teas. Stay tuned!

Note about the herbs: It’s kind of like my grandmother’s recipes with a pinch of this and a dash of that. You have to feel it out. Some people like the flavor of one herb over another. Usually mint is the predominant one. Oregano, while a healing powerhouse, has a very strong flavor so try different quantities. You can also use dried herbs (which I do in the winter). The quantities are less because dried herbs tend to have a stronger flavor. You can omit any one of these, as well!

Store the tea in a glass container in the refrigerator.

If you like a “softer” tea, you can also just omit the mint and oregano and use sage, lemon balm and lavender together. That makes a lovely, relaxing tea.

Is Your Brain Inflamed?

Did you know that your brain is actually pretty sensitive to inflammation? Brain inflammation can sometimes be the first sign that something more serious is going on in your body…that there is unseen inflammation. Sometimes this inflammation is caused by what you’re eating or the toxins you’re exposed to. Or both. You might even have a genetic proclivity toward inflammation that gets triggered by one of those causes.

When your body is mounting a constant defense against the invaders mentioned above, it releases inflammatory proteins called cytokines. These cytokines can eventually get to the brain and cause inflammation.

This can cause “brain fog” — where you feel fuzzy-headed, forgetful, wonder why you came into a room, re-read passages because you suddenly realize you don’t know what you’ve read, can’t find the right words, feel depressed — even cranky or mean. You may even feel physically fit and wonder what’s happened to your thinking! It certainly takes you off your game and you’re surely not functioning optimally or creatively. Sometimes it feels like you’re slogging through your day waiting to get to the end of it — only to come home and realize that you forgot to pick up the groceries or order your mother-in-law’s flowers.
Take care of your body so your mind is clear
Take care of your body so your mind is clear
So what do you do? It’s time to look at your diet. If you’d like help with that, let me know. BUT, at the very least, start eliminating wheat from your diet and see what happens. And please, don’t replace it with corn pasta and other prepared, packaged foods, which are often just as bad. Just take it out completely. It’s very likely that if you have brain fog you have a “leaky gut” – aka, intestinal permeability. That means that the food you’re eating is getting into your otherwise sterile bloodstream through breaches in the wall of your intestines (often caused by gluten and other foods that irritate and inflame it) and your body is mounting an attack against it and causing inflammation.  (That’s the simplified explanation.)

Other causes of brain fog:

  • Insomnia, disturbed sleep or not enough hours of sleep
  • not taking a break from work and constantly multi-tasking
  • high stress levels
  • illnesses like fibromyalgia (also exacerbated by gluten and other food sensitivities)

For a first step, try to take the gluten out of your diet, reduce your stress and get yourself in bed for more hours. Listen, I get it. It’s not the easiest thing in the world to take gluten out of your diet….but

Just try it. All the cool healthy kids are doing it. (wink)

AND, once you start thinking clearer, you’ll be thrilled!

If you want to go whole hog into figuring it out, let me know – because an elimination diet combined with a true detox that allows your liver to move through both Phase I and Phase II detoxification is hugely successful in eliminating brain fog. And by the way, this is not one of these “no-food-drink-water-with cayenne and lemon it” kinds of detoxes which actually can be detrimental to an inflamed body. You need support to rid yourself of the toxins that are making your brain inflamed.

Here’s to clear-head, vibrant thinking!

Give it a whirl!

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Embrace Your Optimal Health


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