Category Archives: Immunity

The Power of Herbs Part II: The herbal medicine of culinary spices

powerful-oregano2People mistakenly lump herbs in with culinary spices. But herbs are more than just leaves we use to flavor our food. They are also powerful medicine. Herbs contain volatile oils, acids, polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, and more, all of which pack them with countless health supporting qualities. The fresher the ingredients, the stronger the benefits. Making a tea (or “soup” in Chinese medicine) from herbs and spices generally pulls the powerful elements out of them more strongly than if you were to use them dried or ground.

This week let’s look at two common culinary herbs, sage and oregano, and see what benefits we can gain from them… aside from great poultry seasoning or something no Italian grandma would ever leave out of her sauce!

Sage (Salvia officinalis)
The adjective “sage” means wise, and the word can also refer to a person of profound wisdom—someone who in many cultures would be a teacher and healer. It has always occurred to me that sage the herb is rightly named, for it is a wise healer in its own right.
Medicinally, sage:

helps with gastrointestinal issues

• shows improvement in mental illness

• high in antioxidants

• helps with Alzheimers

• improves memory and brain function

• anti-inflammatory

• protects oils from oxidation

Believe it or not, sage is in the mint family, along with oregano, lavender, rosemary, thyme, and basil. It has a long history of medicinal use for everything from mental illness to gastrointestinal issues. Like many of these herbs, sage contains rosmarinic acid, which has been shown to be anti-inflammatory in the gut, especially, as it is readily absorbed.

Sage also acts as an antioxidant. The leaves and the stems (which is why I just throw the whole bunch in the tea) contain antioxidant enzymes, and when combined with the phenolic acids and flavonoids, give the herb a unique capacity to prevent oxygen based cell damage. Because it’s high in antioxidants, sage can help protect the body from free radicals. It has also been studied in extract form and been shown to decrease agitation and increase cognition in early to moderate Alzheimer’s patients. Studies show that it can improve memory in healthy young adults, as well. Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior published research demonstrating clearly improved cognitive function in a double-blind, placebo cross-over study.

If you know anyone with Alzheimer’s, do some research on “dan shen” or Chinese sage. The research has been very strong showing it as a good option to pharmaceutical AChE inhibitors.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Oregano is a gloriously fragrant Mediterranean powerhouse of a culinary herb that even my great aunt, who always cooked from cans, had (dried) in a jar in her cupboard. It has been a “go to” herb for cooks (of all abilities) for centuries. But what Aunt Evelyn didn’t know, and you might not either, is that oregano has amazing healing qualities. It is:


• high in vitamins and minerals

• antiseptic, antiviral, anti-parasitic

• immune stimulating

• high in Omega 3s

• high in antioxidants

• useful for skin conditions

• anti-inflammatory

• calming to allergies

• helpful with menstrual/menopausal issues

Oregano has been getting a lot of press lately for its incredible anti-bacterial quality. It is high in vitamins such as A, C, and E, as well as minerals like zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, and niacin.

For health purposes, it can be used as an oil, but beware of the very strong taste. I usually mix the oil into other things or take it by capsule. The oil is also considered antiseptic, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and immune stimulating. Additionally, oregano oil is high in Omega 3s (which I found interesting), and, like sage, antioxidants. In a study at

Georgetown University1 oregano oil was also found to be a great treatment for drug resistant bacteria and fungus. For example, it can be used for skin conditions and athletes foot in addition to its internal use during infections. One study published in Journal of Food Protection2 found that oregano provided complete inhibition of Listeria, Staph, E coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Lactobacillus plantarum, Aspergillus niger, Geotrichum, and Rhodotorula. Other studies have revealed that it has a positive effect on colitis. And as if all that were not enough… it lessens inflammation, calms allergies, helps with menstrual and menopausal issues, and is a digestive aid.

Is your head spinning? Mine is. If that many health benefits are to be found in just two very common herbs, imagine how great we could all feel if we just boiled some water, steeped some herbs, and sipped away all day. Next week I’ll tell you more amazing, mind-blowing information about some of the herbs in my Powerhouse Tea!


Stress, Adrenal Burnout and Immunity—your body is begging you to slow down

Slow-down-destressBack in the 50s, when the research first showed up about stress affecting the immune system, the medical community started to pay attention. But, they only knew a piece of the story. Since then, we have learned so much more. Current research shows that stress

  • affects our immune systems in many and complicated ways
  • causes adrenal fatigue or exhaustion
  • impacts our hormones
  • alters our metabolism — usually by weight gain but sometimes with excess weight loss

It impacts every part of our bodies…and honestly, we think we’ve become immune to it. After all, we’re used to it. As long as we can power on through! We almost take pride in how little sleep we get, how hard we work, and how stressful our lives are. I really am on a crusade to make that stop. I am as guilty as the next. But truthfully—allowing stress into our lives at the levels we do is simply unhealthy—and something we MUST get a handle on.

Let’s define stress. There’s the emotional or psychological stress we all know about. It leads to the sense of tension you feel in your body, the constant worrying, the recurrent and sometimes obsessive thoughts. There’s stress about money, health, or a loved one.

Then there’s physical stress: surgery, trauma, illness, over-exercising, eating toxic foods, or being exposed to environmental toxins.

Let’s talk a teeny tiny bit of science—stay with me (it’s short)!

There’s something called the HPA access which connects your brain, pituitary, and adrenal glands and is vital to the way your body responds to stress. It’s also the way your brain communicates with your glands and body. The HPA axis mediates your stress response, mood, digestion, immune system, libido, metabolism, and energy levels—so it’s very important that it stay balanced and in tip top shape!

When you are stressed, the HPA releases certain chemicals—cortisol, adrenaline, ACTH, etc. It also effects your sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone). Some of these hormones tell your body to act, putting it on high alert. They sharpen your senses, increase blood flow to your muscles, and cause them to tighten (in case you need to run or lift a car off a child!). Your blood pressure rises and your breathing quickens. Think: fight or flight.

Thus, stress induces a fight or flight response—even when such a response is inappropriate. While the stressors may seem commonplace to you and not life threatening (or you are numbed to them) the truth is, your body sees stress as—stress. It can’t easily differentiate between a saber tooth tiger and a deadline that got moved up. (Note: our thoughts can help our bodies make those distinctions, though.) The HPA tells your body to kick out these hormones system-wide. The more stress, the more you tax your HPA axis.

AND, if your body is focused on handling the stress, sex hormones, among other things, take a back seat.

When the HPA axis is on overdrive it means that it does not return to the state of equilibrium that we see in nature. A deer, after being chased by a lion and escaping, returns to grazing in the field, stress gone. But our minds and imaginations allow us to continue to experience the stress even when the cause is gone. That contributes to the overall stress burden. Eventually, the HPA axis eventually malfunctions and your adrenals burnout You might have heard of adrenal exhaustion? Eventually, you experience symptoms like extreme fatigue, low immunity, sex hormone imbalances, joint pain, inflammation and pain—for starters!

So, that’s your science lesson for the day—I hope what you take from it is to reduce your stress levels. Now.

Here is one tip to do that:

Take five minutes, two or three times a day, to just breathe deeply. Turn off all electronics for just 5 minutes at a time, and sit quietly. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, slowly inhaling and exhaling. Feel your body begin to release. Try not to think of anything but observing your breath. Slowly begin to increase the length of your exhale so that it is twice as long as your inhale. (If you inhale to the count of 4, exhale to the count of 8). This will make true physiological changes in your system.

Remember—you’re trying to break that HPA cycle of stress (and inflammation). If you can tell it to stop long enough to interrupt that feedback loop, you will have taken a big step toward your health (and sanity)!

If you’d like to learn more about stress and your health, go to the top or bottom of this page and download my new free booklet called Five Things Your Doctor May Not Know about Your Health.

As always, let me know your thoughts!

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Embrace Your Optimal Health


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