The heart and brain are two of our most divine tools. The heart, like the brain, generates a strong electromagnetic field. (And why wouldn’t it – when you think that it requires energy to pump the blood around your body?) According to the Institute for HeartMath, the heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the body, and that field not only wraps around all our cells, but it extends out in all directions around us and can be felt from several feet away!
There have also been studies that show the EKG patterns of one person’s heart are often mirrored in the EEG readings of another person’s brain! So that means that our mental and emotional states impact others around us, and vice versa.
We’ve all “known” this on some level already. We know what it feels like to mistrust someone, or feel uncomfortable when someone enters the room. We also know what love feels like in the body – when another person with whom we share love comes in our proximity, we can feel it in our bodies.
I’ve experienced enormous bursts of love during focused meditation. When you focus on your heart chakra (the area in the center of your chest) and just breathe the thoughts of love in and out of that center, you can actually build the sensation of love. That is one way your mind can affect your heart.
So why all this discussion of electromagnetic fields, the interaction of the heart and brain…and what the heck does it have to do with Italy?
Because I want to use this month in Italy as a study on love. I want to think loving, generous thoughts. I want to experience love in my heart, in my body, in my mind and in my soul. I want to see the art, taste the food, experience the people who are so passionate about everything in their world.
So, I’m in heart training mode! I want to “build” my heart muscle with loving thoughts and by exposing myself to things I love. When you look at things or people you love, you can truly build the strength of that love. When you consistently direct your focus on love, you will simply grow your ability to love.
Think of the impact this will have on those around you! Your thoughts affect your heart, and your heart gives off an electromagnetic field that affects others (probably both in their own hearts, and in their brains). So, ask yourself what kind of an impression you will make on the person you’re speaking to, if you’re holding on to hostility or anger in your heart? If you’re thinking fear-based (aka “negative”) thoughts vs open-minded thoughts?
I recently attended a talk given by Lisa Glaser, who has written numerous books on the role of the brain in communication, among other things. What I heard astounded me. She said that new studies show that your very thoughts can affect the way the recipient of your words feels about you. If you are thinking judgmental thoughts while communicating with someone, they will most likely feel things like mistrust and/or chaotic feelings. Think of the impact of that!
So while this is kind of heady, scientific stuff – the bottom line is this: be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Review them, build up the love-based emotions, the “positive” thoughts, and you will more likely achieve success in your personal and business life.
So, in a way, Italy might be construed as a business trip 🙂 I’m doing research on love! But actually, while I am taking some time to be with my family, I will also be working. And honestly, doing what I love while in a place I love is pretty darned fantastic. (And I’ll watch my judgments, thoughts and words as much as possible!)
(This photo was taken on the Spanish Steps – a father taking a picture of his daughter.)
Today I stay aware of my fear-based thoughts. I watch my judgments and realize the impact they have on others. I am moving to a place of love in my heart and my head more and more each day.