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Are You Always Trying To Be an A+ Good Girl?

I’m smart. It took me a lot of years to be able to say that.

I was about to list all my degrees and certifications to show you how I finally realized that I am, in fact, smart and capable, but then I realized… why do I have to prove myself yet again? So you’re not getting the list. Those degrees and certificates can stay in the filing cabinet in my office and have a nice life.

I love learning, that’s true. But I also know that I relentlessly pursued more and more education in order to prove myself.  I wanted others (and myself) to believe in me, to know I had credibility, and I wanted approval to do what I was doing.  I finally said to myself, “You’re good. No more degrees”.

Then I started my businesses.

I took course after business course. I have coached with some of the best coaches in the industry (at a very high price tag, too!). I have learned more about marketing and business than I thought I was capable of. And, I happened to learn to love marketing – something I spoke of with disdain years ago. Marketing is actually pretty cool

One thing I’ve learned is that you can’t find success outside of yourself.

And even though I know that— I’m a coach, for God’s sake! –when  my friend said to me, “Ok, lovingly? Stop trying to get all A’s” … it gave me pause.

When I had that conversation with Sam, I was dealing with a big marketing disappointment. Or at least what I perceived as a big disappointment.  Anyone who’s an entrepreneur knows that having your own business is not for the faint of heart. It’s a whirlwind of success and failure, trial and error. Income goes up. And then, it sometimes seems to go out the window because as you grow, so do your expenses to keep up with your increased success. If you’re even the slightest bit squeamish about your self-esteem, you can get slammed against the wall.

Growing pains, right?  I am at another crucial stage. And my friend let me realize that it wasn’t about things not going the way I wanted. It was about my performance in my own mind. I was trying to get an A+. Every time. All the time. Even on vacation.

This is why we all need coaches!

This truth—big as life— was in my blind spot. I could NOT see it, even though I’m great at seeing these things in other people!  I didn’t see that I’d slipped into my old practice of wanting to be “good enough.” I thought I’d outgrown that. Seen it in so many places in my life. Excavated it. Done.

No so much.

My fear of not being “good enough” was hiding in the crevices of my subconscious, waiting to spread like a failure virus and take over my brain.  (I’m not being overly dramatic. This is what happens if these fears go unchecked. And they kill your dreams and motivation when they do.)

Being smart (I get that now), I had presence of mind to talk to Sam about what was going on. She set me straight. She could see from the outside where I was trying to be “the good girl.” The girl people look up to, appreciate, think is just great! If you grow up in a setting where your value comes from your achievements (and many of us do) then this is a battle that rears its ugly head whenever you begin to stretch yourself again.

In last week’s post, I talked about my body’s advance warning when it was getting sick. I was working too many hours (a symptom of the A+ virus) with not enough down time. My body knew what was going on, but my full awareness wasn’t fully expressed. It is now.

So I ask you to ponder:  where in your life are you still trying to be the good girl, the girl who does everything right, who wins the game, or earns the honors? Are you trying to get an A+ in your

  • career? Being perfect in every situation, never having things flop?
  • relationship? You have to be the one to swallow your desires or allow your time to be second to your partner’s?
  • looks? Everyone likes to look her best, but are you finding your value in the way you look instead of who you are? If so, what are you sacrificing to do that?
  • mothering?  Are you trying to be the “perfect” mother, never making a mistake? Do you sacrifice your personal time for the sake of being the dream mother? Are you stuffing down the resentment when it adds up?
  • friendships? Are you finding you are the one to make the effort all the time and it’s not reciprocated? Are you going along with what others want to do even if it’s not what you want to do?

It’s common to care about what others think. We often seek approval from outside, to feed those subconscious beliefs that we’re not enough. It’s a life long process to rid ourselves of all of that. But it’s a worthy trip to Troy, you know? It’s a battle worth fighting within ourselves, because the result is freedom. Each time you grow in awareness, it takes less time to catch yourself when your inclination is to go down that road again.

Awareness is key. Having the “I’m good enough” conversation with yourself keeps you ahead of the game.

And …get yourself a coach! I had a friend who happens to be a coach point out the obvious to me, but usually a friend is too close to you to see and/or say what is hiding behind that A+ showing up every day.

At least start with by rooting out where the virus is hiding. Dredge the recesses of your mind and repeat after me, “I’m good enough. I am worthy.”

How your Blind Spots Can Hold You Back

woman-covering-eyes-9535690First of all, what’s a blind spot? Like in a car, it’s a place where you have an “obstructed view”…but here, we’re talking about your habits and maybe even your attitudes in your life. You may not see reality as what it is when you are too influenced by things like fears, insecurities, assumptions or limiting beliefs. These personal distortions cause us to behave in old habitual ways that keep us in the status quo – and often, these don’t serve us.

Now, we know that too many times the status quo is simply our subconscious mind not wanting us to change – because change feels too scary to it. Our subconscious wants us to stay the same. When we’re tired, overwhelmed or even just busy, we can fall into “listening” to our subconscious to return to the old ways – and not even realize we’re doing it.

Take the example of my working too many hours. The old Teri thought that the harder she worked, the better person she was, and the more people would like her. Sure, hard work can be a good thing – but not if you’re not working smart OR taking care of yourself. I was working 12-15 hour days without even realizing it. Taking a short lunch break or time for a cup of tea throughout the day simply does not constitute the down time your brain and body need to recover from hard work. Eventually, the body yells at you to stop.

When I got two flus in a row, I listened. Now, the old Teri wouldn’t have noticed. Frankly, she would have been pissed off about how getting sick was stopping her from working. (Truthfully, I was kinda annoyed.)  However, as distracted as I was by my work (which honestly, I do love and find terribly exciting. Well, maybe not the tedious details) I had the awareness to say, “Time to stop.”

So, here I am, on a “stay-cation” in New York City.

I need some time away from the computer, from “thinking” and from processing all that I have to do. I want a break from my “to do” list and my responsibilities. I’m thrilled to be in my old stomping grounds, going to concerts and good restaurants as well as simply strolling in the park with my husband, dog and good friends.

Tips for dealing with blind spots:

– Look at where you get stuck habitually in your life. Do you constantly run out of stuff at home, miss appointments, get sick too much or pick the wrong partner?

– Once you identify your “problem area”,  look back to see what you do to create that scenario (aka, the “cause”). It’s time to accept 100% responsibility for the “effect” in your life. The cause is your blind spot, or, your behavior that creates the unwanted effect.

– Take time to ponder what habits you have that create that effect. In my example, it was working too many hours. Why did I work too many hours? Because in the past, I thought people would like/ love and respect me more. It felt “right.” It helps to understand why, though it’s not always imperative.

– You may need or want to talk to someone about this. It can often be hard to see what your blind spot is.

We don’t always want to believe we are responsible for our choices, but when you look back at what causes the unwanted effect, you’ll see that you are usually the culprit. This is not a blame game, it’s simply an objective look at changing what’s not working.

So if there’s something that’s not working, keeps happening, or isn’t serving you, take some of these pointers to heart.

Give me a shout if you need a hand. I’m actually quite good at seeing others’ blind spots – as I am sure some of you are, too. (grins)

You are each a “Medicine Woman” in Your Own Way

what's your medicineTo me, medicine is simply a healing, in any form. It can be by the use of herbs or other traditional medicines, modern medicine, energy work, or spiritual work, to name a few. It can also be the care with which you edit someone’s work, the focus when you are actively listening to a client on the phone or “holding space” for a child who is confused and sad.

Medicine comes in so many different shapes, sizes, forms and “deliverables” that you may not even realize what a light worker you actually are.

Your medicine is your soul purpose. It’s why you went through the junk you did as a kid, the reason you didn’t get that job you thought you wanted, or had a series of misfortunes hit you. All that happened so you could grow, learn, and eventually see the opportunity to develop as a human being. It provided a contrast to what you DO want, and helped you learn valuable lessons. It is part of what Byron Katie calls “loving what is.” Your life’s stuff  brought you to where you are now, and as tough as it might have been, the medicine you received through painful situations is simply that – medicine that you can then carry on to help others if you so choose.

Now, we can also carry on that “junk” of our childhood and give that to others. But that is not what you want to give. That is not medicine to be passed on but is the stuff lessons and growth are made of — that (we hope) evolved from it. It’s the “aha moments” that occurred over the years (and those you’ve yet to uncover). All those moments contribute to the medicine you give to the planet.

Your history, both good and not so good, created who you are now and brought you to where you are now. Bless and love it for what it gave you, even when it was disguised as a misfortune.

When you think of yourself bringing your “medicine” to the world, what do you see? Can you see the light you bring when you:

–       care for a sick friend

–       mentor a colleague

–       ask for help from someone (part of the art of receiving)

–       conduct a beautiful workshop

–       lead a team to a great success

–       teach a child about self acceptance

–       cook dinner for those you love, even when you’re tired

–       coach a client who is working through a blind spot

–       encourage a friend who is feeling down

–       listen, just so someone can speak his or her truth

–       stop to speak to a homeless person on the street

–       do your job to the best of your ability for the highest good of everyone involved

There are opportunities to share your medicine, your purpose, all day long. It’s not that I’m talking about one single soul purpose (although there is definitely something only you are here to do in your own way – and that is what I love to help uncover in women) – I’m talking about loving your contribution to the planet, to those you love and even those you don’t know.

So enjoy your gifts. Enjoy giving your gifts as the medicine that is in you, and receiving the medicine others are sharing. Being part of this positive cycle perpetuates the universal law of giving.

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Embrace Your Optimal Health


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