Do you believe you were just born a certain way, with traits and limitations, habits and desires that are unchangeable? How often have you heard someone say, “It’s just the way I am?”
Okay, this is where my calm gets shaken, because that is utter nonsense.
Yes, I agree we’re born with certain proclivities, physicality, and have inherited a certain DNA from our parents. However, science is learning more and more each day about the ability of the brain to literally change and adapt, to learn new things, and yes, to change so that you can become a happier, more joyful individual.
For starters, you’ve heard me talk about how changing your thoughts changes your brain. That is key to changing mindset. When we change our mindsets, we can grow and change in SO many ways, and nearly anything is possible.
We also have made up a set of beliefs about ourselves that are based on our interpretations of things that have happened in our lives. VERY often, these interpretations are limited and wrong. It is only through examining all of these limiting beliefs we have that we crack open the door to creating more of what we want, instead of saying, “It’s just the way it is.”
Growth oriented mindsets create transformations. Open-minded individuals are growth oriented. It is arrogance to think that, just because you have heard something once, you really know it. It is only through application that you REALLY know it. It’s also sometimes important to hear it differently, hear it again, apply it to another part of your life.
We’ve all heard the term, peel the onion, and it applies here. Each layer of awareness creates a deeper understanding, until finally real knowing and clarity sets in. It is then that real transformation begins.
So, I encourage you to begin opening your mind to new possibilities, to change and growth. Begin by taking small steps so that you feel comfortable.
One day you’ll look back at who you were and say, “Wow. Look at all I’ve accomplished – how I’ve reinvented and transformed myself.” You’ll wake up in the morning with a smile, grateful to face the kind of day you have created for yourself.
It really can be that magnificent. You really can have a wonderful life – the life you’ve always dreamed of.
And PS: I haven’t even touched on the body or spirit parts! Wait till we get to that!
Teri, As I sat here in read this, tears were in my eyes! I am thankful for today that I’m not that arrogant person I once was. The mere fact that we were created to do awesome things and to believe in ourselves that really there are no limitations. The freedom in that is amazing. Thanks for writing this at the end of this particular week when I learned so much about mindset. Thanks & Blessings
That’s awesome, Lorraine! (not that you cried! but that you were touched…) No limitations. Wahoo! let’s keep it going!
Teri – I really hear you on this: Growth oriented mindsets create transformations. And transformations in my book have a shelf life. What I have found true for myself is that some of my beliefs are not just limiting beliefs such as, “I can’t, That will never happen for me, etc.” Some of the beliefs I have are empowering beliefs that turned into slogans.
I am currently taking a hard look at transformations I had a while ago that expanded many beliefs I grew up with. I created new beliefs at that point – beliefs that empowered me. Beliefs that made a positive impact in my life.
So just yesterday I noticed I haven’t had a personal transformation in a long time. My last transformation has expired. And I’m overdue. I’m craving it, like a rainy night craves a warm blanket and a good movie.
I’m noticing that just like the so called “negative” beliefs are unreal, so are the “positive” ones I replaced them with. I am questioning -“Am I really living true to those “positive” beliefs that were a fallout of my last transformation? Are they even a fit or appropriate?” The bad news, which I think always leads to good news, is seeing I haven’t been as positive as I once thought I was.
I guess yesterday’s transformation is only as good as yesterday. The opportunity is to keep bringing ourselves fully to life and engage in the possibilities that surround us all. I love inquiring into the Self and your blog supports that for all of us.
Annette: this was brilliant! I love that idea that the transformations have a shelf life…but I guess, too, they just need to be updated or refreshed. It’s not like they are gone, they go into hibernation sometimes…and I think it’s usually when major growth is on the horizon, and we get a little scared and challenged. You, I know, are moving into that explosion of growth that is going to change the world, one successful woman at a time. Big jobs come with big responsibilities…but that’s the way it goes when you sign on to be a life-changer! and that you are!
Wonderful post Terri. I sooo agree with you about not really knowing anything just because we heard once or twice or are even doing it. Peeling the onion, as you say, is really true. It does take time and with each peel new revelation abounds. It is so easy to rest in what our strengths are and be closed to fresh wisdom. Ignorant to do but a common practice by many. You encouraged me with this post, again…it confirms that what is coming up in my spirit and the path that I am walking step by step is aligned with my highest good.
Thank you, Lana…and It sounds like the path you’re walking is very aligned with who you are, and spirit! I like what you say about not just resting in our strengths. That’s easier, and more comfortable, yes!
This is just what I need to absorb at the beginning of an already-busy day.
One way I meet this challenge is to list each day at least one breakthrough, and by month’s end, I can see great accomplishments that confirm my continued transformation.
I’m so glad you’ve shared this with us.
Wonderful post, Terri.
It is true. Changing your thoughts is the beginning of changing your life. And it has to be followed by action. Action will entrench the new thought patterns and replace the old. Otherwise, it is whistling in the dark.
Wow, I love this post AND the stream of comments! When you wrote the phrase, “That’s just the way I am!” I so thought of my mother. That is her excuse for every behavior she has. And she makes no bones about it; she has no desire to change a thing!
I, on the other hand, am eager to so willing to clean the closet of my automatic thinking! Because I see and feel how it keeps me stuck in experiences I don’t particularly like.
And you’re so right. Anyone can change. I’ve seen it with my own eyes! It takes a decision, a commitment. And some focus. But oh yeah, you can do it!