
Part 4 – How To Use Transitions As An Opportunity For Transformation

When I talk about transitions, I am speaking about the major life milestones in one’s life. The saying that “the only constant in life is change” is true. But there is something a little different which occurs when we are facing one of life’s major milestones – divorce, empty nesting, career change, moving out of a home, starting a new business – that is pure energy able to be put in motion and directed, and ripe with opportunity. It is big.

Let’s assume you are in a transition — or considering one. What is this moment of stepping off, and hopefully knowing, (but at least praying), the net will appear? (PS: it usually does, because we’re creating it!)

What is this moment made of? And, why – when we’re so damned scared – is this a message of hope?

We’ve talked about the fear – and there’s more to come on that, because that is huge, and the biggest hindrance to transformation. For right now, let’s look at the potential of these shifts as the raw material for the next part of your life. Once you make the decision to DO whatever it is you will be doing OR, the the decision was made for you (your partner leaves, you lose your job), you have choices. And, when you start acting on those choices, you now have the energy in motion (“a body in motion, stays in motion”) which creates momentum, as well as the history and benefit of your experience (“we are a product of our experiences”) and the new awareness of where you are now.

So, think of this moment as potential energy (remember your science classes?) This is stored energy and it has to do with the position you are in. Like a bow drawn is able to store energy as a result of its position, we are ripe with the ability to shoot our arrow wherever it is we want to shoot it – we (and the transitions) ARE manifesting potential energy. If the bow is not drawn, it has no stored energy. It’s basically sitting there in its usual position, with no potential or opportunity.

So, THAT is the hope in transitions. Think of this as an opportunity to shoot your arrow in the direction of the future in which you wish to go. You are holding all of this opportunity (potential energy) and it is your choice as to how you direct it. You can shoot your foot, sure. You can decide that you want to put the bow down and lose the opportunity to use all this energy for transformation. But, how good would it feel to use it to create a future you have always dreamed of? Or maybe, dared NOT to dream of. (but that is a whole other story!)

Gear up for your choices. Stay poised with your bow – which you can draw over and over again, by the way. Your future is yours to create, no matter what has happened in your past. You are facing a big-honking-opportunity! Please choose to see it that way, and use all this potential energy to create the magnificent life you were born to live.

And remember: What your mind can dream up, can absolutely become a reality. You wouldn’t have the dream if it weren’t possible.


4 Responses to Part 4 – How To Use Transitions As An Opportunity For Transformation

  1. Wonderful post!
    This is a great reminder of how to use the energy behind the changes in my life to propel me to bigger and better things. Quite often, I am so taken up with the emotion of the transition that I forget the opportunity to make a lasting change.

  2. It’s funny how we always assume change, especially those we feel have been foisted upon us, is bad! That change is always a “change for the worse” rather than a change that is sure to bring us exactly what we want. Or an opportunity to create the transformation we’ve been asking for! I so appreciate how you shine a light of hope and excitement on the possibilities within change and transition.

  3. Teri, this post is wonderful energy to end fear and move forward in whatever business or personal venture is new or different and seemingly fearful.

    It’s time to get off the fence in order to bring value to the world.

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